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Wednesday 23 October 2013

David Cameron pledges to cut green taxes next year despite Lib Dem objections

David Cameron pledges to cut green taxes next year despite Lib Dem objections

Green taxes on household energy bills will fall next year despite Liberal Democrat objections, David Cameron's aides have said.

David Cameron
David Cameron has indicated that he would consider cuts to National Insurance and income tax for lower paid workers.  Photo: STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA
Downing Street said that George Osborne's Autumn Statement in December will set out plans to reduce the impact of environmental levies on fuel bills.
The Lib Dems have previously vowed to prevent any fall in green levies during this Parliament.
But a source close to Mr Cameron insisted: "One way or another, the Prime Minister is determined to roll back those green taxes."
Mr Cameron's promise, made under pressure from Labour and Sir John Major, risks straining relations between the Coalition parties.
The Lib Dems reacted angrily, calling the Prime Minister's announcement a "panicky U-turn".
“We need to roll back some of the green regulations and charges,” Mr Cameron said during Prime Minister’s Questions.
The Prime Minister also announced a “proper competition test” to make the energy market more “competitive”.
He said that he wants more energy companies so that consumers have greater choice.
Energy firms blame the environmental and social obligations placed on them by ministers for the increase in bills.
According to Government figures, the green levies add £112 to a typical household bill. The money is then used to pay for loft insulation schemes and subsidies for renewable energy projects, under the Coalition’s rules.
Downing Street sources said that, if there was no policy change, green levies could rise from the current £112 to £194 - or 14 per cent of the typical household bill - by 2020. Mr Cameron wants action to reduce the impact of the levies, the source said.
Mr Cameron said: “What we need to do is recognise that there are four bits to an energy bill. There are the wholesale prices, which are beyond our control. There are the costs of transmission and the grid, which are difficult to change.
“There are the profits of the energy companies and there are the green regulations, and it is those last two that we need to get to grips with.
He added: “We will be having a proper competition test, carried out over the next year to get to the bottom of whether this market can be more competitive. I want more companies, I want better regulation, I want better deals for consumers.
“But, yes, we also need to roll back the green charges that he put in place as energy secretary”.
The review, which will be carried out by the Office of Fair Trading and the new Competition and Markets Authority, is to be announced next week in the annual energy statement.
A senior Lib Dem source accused the Conservatives of a "panicky U-turn".
“Everybody knows the Tories are getting cold feet on the environment," the source said.
"The Tories have put no properly worked up policies in front of us. But we will not allow a panicky U-turn during PMQs to dictate Government policy.
"The way to provide stable fuel bills now and in the future is not to make policy up on the hoof."
The source added: “Nick Clegg has always said that we should stress test every policy to make sure that there isn’t a penny more on bills than necessary. Of course, we will look at the specific details of what the Tories propose. That is Coalition Government. We will discuss the means but we are not prepared to compromise on the ends – protecting the environment; helping the fuel poor; and safeguarding our green industries and jobs.”
Labour said that £67 of the £112 levies were accounted for by measures introduced by the coalition.
A Labour source said: "The Prime Minister is clearly in a panic over energy prices. He is refusing to take real action to tackle overcharging now. He wants to wait another year when bills are going up 10% as we speak.
"The Labour Party has a comprehensive plan to freeze prices and reset the market. David Cameron's response is panicked and totally inadequate."
Mr Cameron's intervention came after former prime minister Sir John Major yesterday called on the Government to impose a windfall tax on the profits of the energy companies.
Challenged by Sir John's remarks by Labour leader Ed Miliband, Mr Cameron said: "I want more companies, I want better regulation, I want better deals for consumers. But yes, we also need to roll back the green charges that he put in place as energy secretary."
Mr Miliband accused the Prime Minister of “changing his policy every day of the week”.
Mr Miliband has pledged to freeze energy prices if he is elected in 2015. The Prime Minister called Mr Miliband a "conman".
Mr Cameron said: "Sir John Major is a good man, you are acting like a conman."
He added: "He left us a market with just six players, we have already seen seven new energy companies come into that market.
"So we need an annual audit of competition to make this market more competitive, something he never did when in office.
"And we need to roll back the costs that have been imposed on people's energy bills, part of which he was responsible for."
The Prime Minister was later rebuked by Speaker John Bercow for calling Mr Miliband a "conman".
Guy Newey, head of environment and energy at Policy Exchange said: “This was the strongest sign to date that the Prime Minister is committed to rolling back green subsidies.
The Government can certainly reduce the costs of environmental policy without sacrificing crucial climate change goals. That means scrapping costly renewable energy targets and removing support for eco-bling on rich peoples’ houses.”
Zac Goldsmith, the Conservative MP and environmentalist, branded the party leaders "muppets" over energy.
The Richmond MP said on Twitter: "In 2010, leaders fought to prove they were the greenest. Three years on, they're desperately blaming their own policies on the other. Muppets."