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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Britain's most connected woman: How to host a networking dinner party

Curating a dinner party of well-connected people is a fine art. Here, broadcaster, author and professional networker Carole Stone - who's played host to Prime Ministers - shares her advice for getting the most out of your evening (and maybe even a job offer)

Carole Stone outside her flat in Covent Garden,
Carole Stone has been called 'Britain's most connected woman' Photo: JANE MINGAY/The Telegraph
I’ve always loved putting people together. Indeed, it’s what I’ve become known for. It’s been a natural part of my life ever since the days when I was the producer on BBC Radio 4’s flagship discussion programme Any Questions? and we all had dinner together before the programme went on air. Since then it’s the networking lunches and dinners I’ve held at my home that I find have been the most rewarding kind of entertaining; they’re always a challenge but one worth rising to. And they can be great fun.
The secret of throwing a good networking dinner is a brave mix of guests and a welcoming host (that’s you). Remember you’re on a mission to send everyone home the happier for having been your guest. Do it right, and the evening could end with an offer of a better job or at the very least your guests’ realisation that there is more to you than had previously met the eye.
Who should be invited? One or two people you think of as grander than you, but who you know reasonably well and would like to know better. Then add a couple of good friends you can rely on to be interesting but not to have the nerve to upstage you; and finally a couple of those you think might fit in, or better still stir things up; people of the moment, alert to what’s going on in the world.
Nearer the date send a note of confirmation to all your guests (unless you are worried one of them may be perceived as outrageously off-putting for the others) telling them the time they are expected and check whether there’s any food they can’t eat. Note: the richer they are the more eating fads they will give you.
I can squeeze eight round the table in my cramped flat and that’s a good number. You can just about have ‘one’ conversation if you wish to involve everyone (for example, Ed is the worst/best Labour leader ever).
Don’t worry about your home being small or not having matching plates or glasses, that’s not important. But on the night, especially if you’re eating in the kitchen-cum-dining room, do make sure any dirty laundry is out of the way. Also, remove the cat basket, especially if occupied - one woman’s adorable moggy is another’s mangy mess. And always have a clean guest towel in the bathroom.
It doesn’t matter if you’re no great shakes as a cook: the important thing is to prepare as much as you can in advance, so that you are at the table with your guests, not in the kitchen trying to recover a curdled mayonnaise. After all, it’s the company that your guests have come for.
Remember: the food is secondary to the company
Do have in your mind your seating plan – no-one likes to be kept hovering while you decide where to put them or, even worse, say: ‘oh, sit where you like.’ A lot hangs on who sits next to whom, whether for work prospects or pleasure. You have curated the crowd and it doesn’t hurt to make them feel that they’ve been ‘chosen’.
I remember my first networking dinner party well. I wore a complicated, flimsy scarf that kept creeping into the creamy sauce covering my loin of pork (note: make an effort but don’t dress fussily). I was very nervous and overdid everything including the new potatoes, which soon became a rather lumpy mash. I can see myself now, carrying that pork dish ever so carefully from oven to table, hoping it wouldn’t spill, that it was properly cooked and that I had asked all my guests whether they could eat meat. To my relief it didn’t, it was and I had.
I had a couple of friends there on that occasion but my target was my boss, head of radio in BBC Bristol, who had come with his wife. I learned a lot from the evening. Prepare, prepare, prepare - but then forget all about it and concentrate on your guests.
Nonetheless it’s always good to have one dish that you can rely on to impress. Mine is perfect meringues. Just follow Delia’s recipe, whisk up the meringues the day before and then leave them in the oven (off) overnight - they will turn deliciously chewy in the middle and crumbly on the outside. And of course make sure you have plenty of wine – by all means inexpensive but non-headache-making.
If people bring you a present, thank them effusively. Have a vase ready for flowers so that you can immediately display them; and even if everyone brings chocolates, open all the boxes and have a choc from each of them yourself. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve arrived on a doorstep with a superb selection from some expensive chocolatier, only to see them languishing on my host’s side table while inferior ones are handed round. So irritating.
As host, you must be on the alert at all times – does everyone have a full glass of wine (a tongue loosening drink always helps). Does anyone want seconds? Is there someone being left out of the conversation? Is anyone hogging the stage? I’ve seen people lose the will to live when one guest dominates. If necessary, after the main course, swop two people at opposite ends of the table to refresh the chat.
Tony Blair is Carole's ideal dinner guest
If you’ve chosen right, your guests should be taking an interest in each other. I remember spotting this talent in Tony Blair when he came to my flat, long before he became Prime Minister. Whatever history will make of him I shall always consider him the ideal dinner guest. Then there was Michael, now Lord, Dobbs, author the House of Cards, who I hoped might be collecting material for his next book from my networking meal. And of course Michael Palin, who’s a neighbour. He really is as nice as he seems. I wish he would be a guest every day – perhaps he could be cloned.
Don’t worry if discussions get heated - so what? Let people argue and disagree. On those rare occasions when a guest looks really upset or too dangerously calm for comfort calmly chip in with a smile and say “I want your advice on this crack in the ceiling…”
And, of course, don’t forget about yourself. If you have made getting a new job your goal for this dinner, do make sure you raise it in a subtle way; something along the lines that you are considering your next step or needing a new challenge.
Or alternatively: “Have you got a job for me?”
At one meal the head of a big supermarket group was at my table. I had no particular ‘ask’ for him but thought he would be a good contact. He was. He enjoyed himself so much that he asked me to arrange a couple of lunches for him and his board members, bringing together half a dozen interesting people who were leaders in their field. ‘Do I pay for the food?’ I asked his secretary. ‘Oh no, we do that,’ she said. ‘And would a fee of eight be all right?’
I thought she meant £800 but turned out to be £8,000.
So do it now, decide to have a networking dinner at home. You may not get a new job out of it (or even £8,000) but you will get to know friends and colleagues in a completely different way.
And who knows? You may even be invited to their home for dinner in return.
Carole Stone is author of 'Networking: The Art of Making Friends' and the former producer of BBC Radio 4’s Any Questions?