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Monday, 28 September 2015
Country’s first butterfly park in Chittagong
Anurup Kanti Das and Minhaj Uddin
Now-a-days, butterflies are rarely seen in the cities. However, in Chittagong there is a park where several hundred butterflies of 11 different species fill the air with dancing, flitting colours.
Every day hundreds of visitors visit the Butterfly Park near the Shah Amanant International Airport. The number increases to several thousand during the holidays.
Visitors of the park can watch butterflies hovering over flowers, feeding on nectar, flitting from flower to flower.
The park has live butterfly-zone, breeding centre and collection of dead butterflies in a museum.
If you look closely you might even see the rare sight of their eggs, the larvae eating leaves, and even the chrysalis on way to become a butterfly in the breeding centre.
“Sunny days are the best time to watch the beauty of flying butterflies. Butterflies do not move much during cloudy day and afternoons and hide under leaves and bushes,” says butterfly curator Alimuddin.
“It takes six days for the larva to emerge from the egg, in 18 days the larva turns into a pupa and in 12 days a butterfly emerges,” Alimuddin informed.
Once abundant, destruction of butterfly habitats has made them a rare sight now.
Researchers estimate a total of around 400 species are residents of the country.
Visitors believe if the park could be set up in a larger area it could help conserve butterflies and attract more visitors.
Sunday, 27 September 2015
28 lost lives in appalling road crashes during Eid holidays
Sun Online Desk
27 September, 2015 20:30
Representational Pic
Of them, five were killed on Thursday while an army man was killed on the Eid day (Friday), 19 killed on Saturday and three people were killed on Sunday, reports UNB.
Apart from the capital, the accidents took place in Bogra, Faridpur, Gopalganj, Chuadanga, Magura, Comilla, Munshiganj, Madaripur and Shariatpur districts.
In Bogra, three people were killed and 15 others injured in a head-on collision between two buses on Dhaka-Rangpur highway at Pakurtala in Shibganj upazila on Thursday morning.
One of the deceased was identified as Abul Kalam Azad, 45, son of Monsur Ali of Bishnapur village in Palashbari upazila of Gaibandha district.
Meanwhile, Helal Uddin, 28, an army member of Bogra Majhira Cantonment hailing from Ullapara upazila of Sirajgang, was killed when a bus hit his motorcycle on Bogra-Dhaka highway at Noymile in Shahjahanpur upazila around 3 pm on Friday while going to his village home.
In Faridpur, two motorcyclists -- Mohammad Abir, 18, and Mohammad Raihan, 17-- were killed in a road accident in Jhiltuli area of the district town on Thursday.
In Gopalganj, six members of a family and another person were killed in a head-on collision between a microbus and a battery-run three-wheeler, Easy-bike, on Gopalganj-Kotalipara road in Sadar upazila on Saturday morning.
The deceased were identified as Khokon Sikder, 45, his wife China Begum, 40, his mother Katebunnisa, 70, his son Shakib, 28, and two daughters Eti, 7, and Aniya, 16, of Teligati village in the upazila and the Easy-bike driver Delwar.
In Dhaka, five people, including two women, were killed and 25 others injured as two buses collided on Dhaka-Aricha highway at Kelia in Dhamrai upazila in the afternoon.
Three of the deceased were identified as Abul Kalam Azad, 57, Sumaiya Khan, 17, hailing from Faridpur district, and Kotu Miah, a bus driver.
Meanwhile, a CNG-run auto-rickshaw driver, Jamal, 25, was killed in another accident on the highway in Islampur area of the upazila on the day.
In Chuadanga, a head-on a collision between a truck and a human hauler left two people dead on Chuadanga-Jhenidah highway in Subdiya area of sadar upazila on Saturday morning. The deceased were identified as Shafi Uddin and Khairul Islam.
In Magura, Ranjan Mondal, 60, a resident of Naubhanga village of Mohammadpur upazila, was crushed to death by a speeding bus in Magura bus stand area of the district town around 10am on Saturday.
In Comilla, an unidentified young man was crushed to death by a bus on Dhaka-Chittagong highway at Kotbari in Sadar upazila in the evening.
In Munshiganj, Sirajul Islam, 55, a resident of Dakkhin Paiksa village in the upazila, was crushed under the wheels of a bus at Chhanbari on Dhaka-Mawa highway in Srinagar upazila on Saturday.
Besides, a woman and her grandson were killed when a bus knocked them down on Dhaka-Mawa highway at Ghorghar in Sreenagar upazila on Sunday.
The deceased were identified as Salma Begum, 35, wife of Abdul Maley, an expatriate, and her grandson Jisan, 2, son of Mokhles Miah of Kamarpara village in the upazila.
In Madaripur, Emdad Hossain Hawladar, 25, a lawyer was killed in a road accident on Kalkini-Mollarhat road in Shikarmangal village of Kalkini upazila on Saturday.
In Shariatpur, a jail guard was killed when a bus hit his motorcycle at Charangir intersection in the district town around 9am on Sunday. The deceased was identified as Ujjal Miah, 28.
বলিউড তারকাদের অজানা কিছু তথ্য
বিনোদন ডেস্কঃ
বলিউড তারকাদের ভক্ত, বর্তমানে বিশ্বজুড়ে। আর ভক্তরা তার প্রিয় তারকাদের সম্পর্কে খুঁটিনাটি নানা তথ্য জানতে বরাবরই আগ্রহী। তাই এ প্রতিবেদনে বলিউড তারকাদের সম্পর্কে কিছু তথ্য দেওয়া হল, যেগুলো হয়তো অনেকেরই অজানা।
শাহরুখ খান: জীবনের প্রথম
রোজগার বলতে শাহরুখ খান সংগীতশিল্পী পঙ্কজ উদাসের গানের আসরে কাজ করে
পেয়েছিলেন ৫০ টাকা। সেই টাকা দিয়ে ট্রেনের টিকিট কেটে তাজমহল দেখতে যান
ঐশ্বরিয়া রাই বচ্চন: প্রথমজীবনে একটি টিভি সিরিয়ালে ডাবিংয়ের কাজে গিয়ে প্রত্যাখ্যাত হন ঐশ্বরিয়া।সালমান খান: কখনো সুতির কাপড়ে মুখ মোছেন না সালমান, ব্যবহার করেন মখমলের কাপড়।
অক্ষয় কুমার: সাতবার ফিল্মফেয়ার মনোনয়ন পেয়েছেন অক্ষয় কুমার। দুইবার জিতেছেন। তবে সেরা নায়ক হিসেবে নয়। একবার গরম মশালা সিনেমায় কমিক রোল, আরেকবার আজনবী সিনেমায় নেগেটিভ রোলের জন্য।
কারিনা কাপুর: কারিনার নামকরণ করা হয়েছে অ্যানা করেনিনার বইয়ের নাম থেকে অনুপ্রাণিত হয়ে। এই বইটি কারিনা পেটে থাকার সময়ে পড়েছিলেন তার মা। তবে পরিবারে সকলের কাছে তিনি বেবো নামেই পরিচিত।
হৃত্বিক রোশন: ছোটবেলায় প্রচ- তোতলাতেন হৃত্বিক। তা থেকে বেরিয়ে আসতে বহুদিন ধরে নানা অনুশীলন করেন তিনি। এখন আর কোনো সমস্যা নেই তার।
ক্যাটরিনা কাইফ: সিনেমা মুক্তি পাওয়ার আগে সিদ্ধি বিনায়ক মন্দির, মাউন্ট মেরি চার্চ ও আজমের শরিফে ঘুরে আসেন ক্যাটরিনা কাইফ।
ইমরান খান: আমির খানের ভাগ্নে অভিনেতা ইমরান খান ভারতের নয়, আদতে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের নাগরিক।আমির খান: বলিউডের মিস্টার পারফেকশনিস্ট আমির লগান সিনেমা করলেও প্রথমদিকে পরিচালক আশুতোষ গোয়ারিকরের লেখা গল্পের ড্রাফট নাকচ করে দেন। মোট ছয়বার শুনে তা বাতিল করার পরে সপ্তমবারে এসে তিনি রাজি হন। এবং এতটাই প্রভাবিত হন যে সিনেমাটি নিজে প্রযোজনা করেন।
সুস্মিতা সেন: সুস্মিতা সেন বাড়িতে একটি পাইথন সাপ পোষেন সে খবর অনেকেই জানেন না।
অর্জুন রামপাল: হলিউড অভিনেত্রী নিকোল কিডম্যানের সঙ্গে একটি বিজ্ঞাপনে কাজ করেছেন অর্জুন রামপাল। এর প্রযোজক ছিলেন গ্ল্যাডিয়েটর সিনেমার ডিরেক্টর স্যর রিডলি স্কট ও পরিচালক ছিলেন শেখর কাপুর।
পরিণীতি চোপড়া: স্কুল জীবনে পড়াশোনায় দারুণ ছিলেন পরিণীতি। দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির পরীক্ষায় সারা ভারতে তিনি প্রথম হন। সেজন্য রাষ্ট্রপতির হাত থেকে পুরষ্কারও পান তিনি।
প্রীতি জিনতা: বলিউড অভিনেত্রী প্রীতি জিনতা অভিনয় ও ব্যবসা ছাড়াও দক্ষিণ এশিয়ায় বিবিসি সংবাদ সংস্থার হয়ে কলামও লেখেন।
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
ADB raises growth forecast
Economic growth is expected to accelerate 6.7pc this fiscal year
Star Business Report
The Asian Development Bank is bullish over Bangladesh's economic
prospects this fiscal year, upgrading its growth forecasts while
downgrading those for the rest of Asia Pacific save for Vietnam and
The Manila-based multilateral lender tipped Bangladesh's gross
domestic product to grow at 6.7 percent in fiscal 2015-16, up from its
earlier prediction of 6.4 percent in its flagship annual economic
publication, Asian Development Outlook that came out in March.
The optimism comes after the country outperformed ADB's growth
forecast of 6.1 percent for fiscal 2014-15 in spite of political turmoil
in the first quarter of 2015 that adversely affected transport
services, exports and private investment.
Growth held up well because of brisk domestic demand, boosted by
higher remittances, private sector wages and public investment, said
Kazuhiko Higuchi, country director of ADB, while unveiling the updated
version of March's report yesterday at the lender's office in Dhaka.
Mohammed Parvez Imdad, principal country specialist of ADB's
Bangladesh office, presented the Bangladesh chapter of the report at the
The GDP growth forecast has been revised upwards upon expectations
that exports will grow with the continued economic recovery in the US
and the Eurozone and remittance will soar further, which, in turn, will
boost consumption demand.
ADB also expects the private and public investment to pick up as the
business climate improves in a stable political situation and spending
to increase under the annual development programme, both of which will
have a positive impact on GDP growth.
ADB praised the country's macroeconomic management, which, it said,
has helped reduce inflation to 6.4 percent in fiscal 2014-15 from 7.4
percent a year earlier.“This was a very good achievement,” Higuchi said.Provided that normal weather prevails and prices remain favourable,
agriculture growth is projected to move up to 3.2 percent this fiscal
year from 3 percent last year.
Industrial growth is expected to strengthen but modestly to 9.8
percent from 9.6 percent last fiscal year on the back of better
performance in readymade exports, manufacturing for domestic market and
Growth in services is expected to increase to 6 percent from 5.8 percent as agriculture and industry expand.
Export growth is expected to increase to 6 percent this year, up from 3.3 percent a year ago.
Imports are projected to increase by 13 percent, from 11.2 percent
the previous year, mainly in capital goods, industrial raw materials and
food grains.
Remittance inflows are likely to grow 9 percent in fiscal 2015-16
from 7.7 percent a year earlier as the government steps up efforts to
place workers overseas. Several risks could derail the projections, and
foremost among them is political instability.
Failure to attain the revenue target without matching expenditure
adjustments would create inflationary pressure as the government
borrowed from the banks and so undermine macroeconomic stability.
Likewise, inadequate foreign investments would limit spending through
the development plan on infrastructure, and thereby curtail growth.
Meanwhile, softer growth prospects for China and India, and a slow
recovery in the major industrial economies will combine to push growth
in Asia for 2015 and 2016 below previous projections, according to the
ADB report. ADB now sees GDP growth for the region coming in at 5.8
percent in 2015 and 6 percent in 2016 -- below the March forecasts of
6.3 percent in both years.
China -- the world's second largest economy -- has seen growth
moderate due to a slowdown in investment and weak exports in the first
eight months of 2015. Growth is now seen at 6.8 percent in 2015, down
from 7.2 percent projected earlier, and below the 7.2 percent posted in
External demand weaknesses and a slower-than-expected pace of
enacting key reforms are holding back India's growth acceleration, with
the pace in 2015 now seen at 7.4 percent, down from 7.8 percent forecast
Southeast Asia, meanwhile, is bearing the brunt of the slowdown in
China -- one of its key markets -- as well as subdued demand from
industrial countries, with growth in 2015 now seen at 4.4 percent,
before bouncing back to 4.9 percent in 2016.
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