rare, four-day-old white baby lions are pictured at the private Zoo
Safari in Borysew, Poland, Thursday, September 22, 2016. The fourth cub
born Sunday, September 18, 2016, by the five-year-old Azira cannot be
seen in the photo. The caretakers don't want to disturb the family and
have not yet checked how many males and females were born. Photo: AP
Seven rare white wild cats — four lions and three tigers — have been born in the past week in a private zoo in central Poland.
The lions were born on Sunday at the Zoo Safari in Borysew and are
doing well under the care of their mother, 5-year-old Azira. They are
the fourth litter for Azira and 7-year-old Sahim. There are at most only
a few hundred white lions in the world.
Head of the zoo Andrzej Pabich said the genders of the cubs was unknown because keepers have not touched them yet.
On Thursday, a white tiger also gave birth at the zoo, and Pabich believes there are three cubs.