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Monday 13 July 2015

Survey finds officials, brokers, political activists control water supply in Dhaka

TIB survey reveals nexus between Dhaka Wasa employees, political activists, brokers
Staff Correspondent
A research of Transparency International Bangladesh claims that officials and employees of Dhaka Wasa control water supply in connivance with brokers and political activists.
A section of Water Development Board officials are also involved in corruption, the TIB said.
The study analysed Dhaka Water Supply And Sewerage Authority (Wasa) and Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) to find out the level of integrity in the water sector under the city and rural contexts.
Prof Sheikh Tawhidul Islam and Syed Hafizur Rahman of Jahangirnagar University, who jointly conducted the research, presented the report titled “Integrity in Water Management of Bangladesh: Present Perspective and Development Potential” at a joint press conference of the TIB and Bangladesh Water Integrity Network (BAWIN).
They emphasised the need for ensuring good governance in the water sector.
During the presentation, the speakers said even though Dhaka Wasa has been improving in some particular areas, it still needs a lot of improvements.
The study said a section of Wasa officials are involved in grabbing Wasa land.
Clients do not get proper remedies despite filing complaints with Wasa, it said, adding that the Wasa still does not have the capacity to deliver water as per demand.
Lack of public participation in the decision making process, absence of necessary principles for effective water governance, including transparency, equality, accountability, legitimacy and legality, were among the major challenges for Dhaka Wasa.
The study said some BWDB staff are allegedly involved in corruption. It stated that the BWDB sometimes change work orders and approve payment of additional work without proper approval.
Some official forge documents and vouchers for getting money out of BWDB.
It said BWDB uses 22 inches dredger blades, instead of the required 24 inches, to gobble up project money.
While building embankments, some BWDA officials do not use proper or the required number of sand bags and put the money in their pockets.
The local monitoring teams of BWDA do not oversee project work or report to the head office.
They also appoint people for work disregarding rules and procedures.
Impunity for corrupt officials and lack of participations of locals allow the corruption, the report claimed.
However, the study mentioned several positive roles played by the BWDB.
TIB Executive Director Iftekharuzzaman said even though Wasa claim that they has been providing good service, the client's view is that Wasa is incapable of supplying quality water in all areas.