- Tim and Anna Gray rescued an abandoned squirrel shivering in an alley
- They brought it into their house to warm up and gave it nuts and milk
- The next day they found another squirrel perched under their garden bench
- The family also adopted the second squirrel and have named the pair Sam and Hector
When most families rescue abandoned animals, they usually adopt traditional pets such as cats and dogs.
the Gray family from Liverpool have taken in two grey squirrels, who
live in their house and enjoy watching TV as well as helping out doing
the dishes.
squirrels have been sharing the home of the Grays for four weeks now
after daughter Anna, 20, heard a squeaking noise coming from their
alleyway and found one of the creatures there.
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Father and daughter Tim and Anna Gray,
who have adopted squirrels, Sam, pictured, and Hector after they were
found abandoned by their mother in their garden in Liverpool
The squirrels now live in the house
with the Gray family. Pictured is one of the squirrels Sam, perched on
the shoulder of Mr Gray while he does the washing up
The squirrels were rescued after Anna,
pictured studying alongside Sam, heard a squeaking noise coming from
the alleyway in their garden
going out to investigate with her father Tim, they discovered the
shivering young squirrel that immediately leapt towards the pair.
Mr Gray, 55, who is married to Marianne, said: 'As soon as he saw me, he came over and sat on my foot looking rather distressed.
'I called my daughter to get me a tea towel because I didn't know if they'd bite you.
'But once I picked it up, it was clear that it was freezing and very nervous so we took it inside the house.'
father and daughter then began searching the internet on how to care
for a young squirrel and rushed out to buy baby milk from their local
supermarket for the young creature they named Sam.
when they took Sam back out into the garden the next day to try to
reunite him with his mother, they found another scared squirrel.
Dance student Anna added: 'To my amazement I found another squirrel that was the same size perched under the garden bench.
The squirrels now live in the house and the Gray family say they enjoy watching TV and eating Pine nuts
Sam the squirrel settles down to watch TV alongside his new owners Tim and Anna Gray, who rescued him
'We picked it up and put them next to each other and it was clear they knew one another so then we had two to look after.'
pair then named their new pet Hector, and began researching how to care
for the hapless animals, after their mother failed to return.
shop bistro owner Mr Gray explained: 'We read that the easiest way to
feed them is to buy a syringe because they need milk at that age.
They took really well to that and then we slowly started introducing them to things like Pine nuts.
'To start with me and Anna were more enthusiastic about it. My wife said "What are we going to do when they grow bigger?"
over time she fell in love with them as well. There was one day when
Sam came into the house with a bloody nose and Marianne actually cried
because she was so upset.
The family
have conducted research into how to care for the squirrels. They found
they should feed them nuts, left, and milk through a syringe, right
Anna has now set up a Twitter account for the squirrels which updates followers on their daily activities
'They do feel like part of the family, the first thing we do when we get home is go into the garden to say hello.'
The squirrels now have their very own Twitter account, which Anna updates with Sam and Hector's daily activities.
She said: 'They’re all over my social media, everyone in university is always asking me about them, even my teachers.
'They get lots of visitors as well, lots of people have come round to see them.
'I feel like our whole house has been much happier since we got them.'