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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sex: Of course young men are paying for it (but there's no student rate, sorry)

New research has shown that most men pay for sex in their 20s and 30s - going against the image of the 'typical' client. Former dominatrix, Nichi Hodgson isn't in the least bit surprised - and explains why young men need to buy sex more than ever before

Stills taken from film trailer for 50 Shades of Grey movie
A scene from the Fifty Shades of Grey film 
Cue surprise.
The standard line is that men buy sex because they have the privilege, the power and the means to do so. The researchers, from University College London, suggest that convenience now plays a large role too - especially for young professionals who work long hours at home, or who find themselves in sex tourist hotspots abroad.
But, for me – as someone who has sold sexual services to young men – this just doesn’t ring entirely true. ‘Convenience’ doesn’t cover it. At least not in the ‘I can’t be bothered to cook, let’s order a pizza’ way.
Instead, in my experience, young men pay for sex because it stops them from having to confront their deeper desires - the things that don’t fit in with society’s construct of masculine sexuality and the things they worry their partners may reject them for.
I’m aware that my experiences as a professional dominatrix weren’t typical of many sex workers (I didn't offer penetration). But they were certainly sexual. In many ways, ‘kink escorting’ would probably better describe what I got up to.
Everything I did was about unleashing hitherto thwarted desire.
Part therapist, part perverse puppeteer - I never underestimated the capacity I had to help these men accept their sexuality. If I ridiculed them? They’d have carried shame and guilt with them, forever.
Paying for sexual services help young men fulfil their desires. Photo: Alamy
The younger they were, the more responsible I felt.
Take the student who came to see me after hockey practice one Saturday morning.
I thought it was odd that someone so young wanted to be dominated (it generally takes people a few years of sexual activity to figure out their less-vanilla interests).
He explained that he wanted to know how to give a woman an orgasm through oral sex. So I duly set to training him. It was only as he was leaving and said ‘I will never forget that’ that the penny dropped. I had given an unsure and inexperienced man a valuable education – one that he could take forward into mutually fulfilling experiences with women closer to his own age.
I’m not sure why we should be surprised that young men visit sex workers. After all, for centuries, it’s been something of a rite of passage – an experience arranged by older men, for their wards upon coming of age.
In some cultures, it still operates. But in most, it has been replaced by internet pornography. And – despite being an advocate of porn – I’m aware that it can leave a generation with gross performance anxiety and confusion about what is ‘normal’.
If young women are paying the price for that - and experiencing less than pleasurable encounters, with unrealistic expectations - sex workers are benefiting, as young men attempt to replicate what they see on screen, with someone who won’t dismiss them out of hand, or call them perverted.
I have no doubt that some of my clients, of all ages, visited me because they fancied getting their hands on some fresh flesh. But, I would hazard a guess, that at least eight times of out 10, it was because they couldn’t confess their desires to anyone else.
A scene from the forthcoming Fifty Shades of Grey film
For some, that was because their own shame was so entrenched that they dare not ask. While others could barely admit to themselves what turned them on. Often, their female partners were not open to suggestion.
Take a handsome, fit 30-something favourite of mine. Just 18 months into his marriage, he’d realised he enjoyed taking a submissive role. His wife did not - and was not game to try.
But while some clients were into extreme play. But more often than not their desires were surprisingly tame. One regular came each month for nipple play.
He’d been teased by friends about their erectness and had for some reason developed a complex about it. Why on earth, you may ask, would you be embarrassed about that? But that’s the thing about sexual shame. It cuts deep and can stay buried for a lifetime if not released.
Far from being flush with disposable income, many of the young men who came to see me often saved up for weeks, or months, to make our appointment. One or two even asked if I did a student rate.
As many pointed out to me, paying for the exact sex acts they wanted was far more cost-effective than wining, dining, and dating a woman they feared may laugh at their foot fetish when they got into bed.
That’s not to blame women in any way. But it highlights that, for men, there can be greater fears of rejection (if sometimes misplaced) and a need for confidence –building at play.
I wasn’t just their naughty treat – I was helping them get to a place where they could be comfortable with their own sexuality and desires.