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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Kissing in public? No thanks, we're British

As Kidman and Scherzinger display their love publicly, Hannah Betts argues that if you must exhibit affection there are strict rules that must be followed

Lewis Hamilton celebrates with girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger after winning the Formula One World Championship at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton celebrates with girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger Photo: Peter J Fox/Getty Images
Don’t look now, but there would appear to be a rash of rather ghastly Public Displays of Affection (PDAs) doing the rounds. Film star Nicole Kidman and her husband, the confusingly named country musician Keith Urban, engaged in a couple of unsightly kisses on the red carpet for the Paddington movie. In the first attack, she bent down to reach her diminutive spouse, umbrella aloft, in the manner of an over-attentive Mary Poppins. In the second, Urban could be seen methodically sucking on her lower lip. Meanwhile, singer Nicole Scherzinger engaged in a bizarre not-so close encounter with Formula 1 paramour Lewis Hamilton’s driving helmet, a gesture that screamed showmance.
As you read this, your face will be puckered into an image of distaste. For we are British, for the love of God. We do not do this. PDAs are for children and foreigners - the emotionally incontinent, and / or people with something to prove. The most a British pairing should be prepared to hazard in public is a spare kiss on the cheek, or occasional linked arm. Handholding is for tweenagers, lip-on-lip action a matter for the privacy of one’s own home.
Even mere social kissing should be viewed as a repellent affectation that has somehow taken hold. I remember my first run-ins with it 25 years ago when meeting foppish southerners at Oxford. In one memorable weekend, I managed to French kiss a friend’s father, then paw his mother’s breast and groin in attempts to steady myself during the course of greeting and retreating. How delighted I was to return to a household where even now my brother will say: “We’re not Americans” when I go to embrace him.
If one must do it, then know that there are rules.
1) Make it consensual
The Prince of Wales and his first wife specialised in non-mutually cooperative PDAs. At first, we had Diana mooning misty-eyed over her prince, with said prince looking somewhere between mystified and appalled. Later, Diana would bolt away from his advances, as in the famous incident at a prize-giving ceremony in Jaipur in 1992 where she turned emphatically away as her husband went in for her cheek. Awks.
2) PR it
Not, obviously, in the sense of television presenter Anthea Turner and husband Grant Bovey and their amorous nuptial chocolate promotion. However, do put time in to rehearsals. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who met while pretending to be a couple, really know how to work a PDA. Theirs are intimate without being explicit, with a range of well-developed sub-gestures such as eye contact, leg pattings and coquettish head angles. It’s convincing stuff that doesn’t solely seem aimed at making Jennifer Aniston feel awful.

3) Context is all
For the sake of public decency, there needs to be a ban on posing for PDAs in the wake of rumours, or, indeed, confirmation of affairs. Classics include politicos David Mellor and Piers Merchants exhibiting slimy uxoriousness at their garden gates. Fashion designer Victoria Beckham became the subject of footballer David Beckham’s public attentions after rumours of his affair with Rebecca Loos. Staging this on a ski slope –surely one of Victoria’s least favourite locales – made matters still more improbable.
4) No straying into soft porn
“Personality” Kim Kardashian and her musician husband, Kanye West, enjoy nothing more than gratuitously parading their intimate moments, taking the PDA to a new level: the PDDA, or public display of digital affection. One’s audience should not feel as if it has inadvertently entered into a dogging scenario.
5) If you must do it, mean it
Lord Carrington is not the only Tory grandee to find David Cameron’s habit of clutching wife Samantha’s hand a tad de trop. Speaking last year, the peer remarked: “Why does he have to go everywhere hand-in-hand with his wife? They have to hold hands all the time! Tell him not to!”
Still, at least the pair looks sincere and doesn’t frighten the horses. Ed Miliband’s moves on wife Justine Thorton are disturbingly reminiscent of his assaults on bacon sandwiches: on one occasion leaving his Wallace (and Gromit) mouth painfully attached to her lip. At this year’s conference, the poor woman appeared to fend him off with her hand, as well she might. Wise of Nick Clegg’s wife, Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, to eschew such spouse-as-show-pony spectacles in favour of a conference hall floor hug.
When push comes to shove, the ultimate motivation in getting a PDA right would appear to be knowing that said image will end up on a mug. Will and Kate know how it’s done: chaste, darting, blushing, ridiculed by the Duke of Edinburgh.