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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Jimmy Fallon’s Name Goes on 30 Rock Marquee

The "Tonight Show" marquee. Credit NBC Universal
Jimmy Fallon is getting top billing on one of New York’s landmark buildings with a new marquee that adorns the Avenue of the Americas entrance to 30 Rockefeller Center.
The marquee, consistent with 30 Rock’s original Art Deco architecture, was visible on Monday night. It announces that the building is home to “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.”
“This makes it exponentially harder for them to fire me,” Mr. Fallon said in an interview. “I guess this means they put a ring on it.”
Mr. Fallon, who has made an impressive mark as the new leading star of late-night television, putting up consistently winning ratings for his first 10 months as host of “Tonight,” had the idea himself to promote the show to New Yorkers (and tourists) with a permanent message above one of the most-traveled sections of Manhattan.
In the buildup to moving “The Tonight Show” back to New York, Mr. Fallon and others at the show were trying to come up with ideas. “We were looking for something that would make a splash and let everyone know we were bringing this institution back to New York City,” Mr. Fallon said.
Jimmy Fallon Credit Theo Wargo/Getty Images
Mr. Fallon illuminated the marquee during the opening of his show on Monday. “I don’t want to toot my horn too much,” he said. “We just want to make everyone aware of the work that went into it.”
The construction has been months in the planning, according to John Wallace, the president for technical operations for NBC Universal, whose duties include supervising the parts of 30 Rock controlled by NBC’s owner, the Comcast Corporation.
“We wanted to make a bold statement that ‘The Tonight Show’ was back in New York,” Mr. Wallace said. He noted that Mr. Fallon was already working in the same studio where Johnny Carson and Jack Paar hosted the show in its early days. “This will be a very important reconnection with our past,” he said.
But it will also be new: The earlier hosts did not have their names on any of the 30 Rock marquees, and no marquee has ever before stood above the entrance on Avenue of the Americas. Other late-night shows have marquees of a sort, including Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show,” which announces itself only with an awning on 11th Avenue, and, most prominently, the old-fashioned theater marquee with David Letterman’s name in big type above the entrance to the Ed Sullivan Theater on Broadway.
Mr. Fallon said that one inspiration for the NBC move was that “I was just jealous of Letterman.”
Previously, the north and south entrances to 30 Rock had been marked only by canopies listing the official address: 1250 Avenue of the Americas. NBC has always had marquees on the two side entrances to the building, on 49th and 50th Streets. Those have read “NBC Studios.”
Mr. Wallace said the initial idea of putting the “Tonight” on the side entrances was shelved because those spots did not make as big a statement as a sign on Avenue of the Americas. “It’s a great artery, and for passers-by, it will be a highlight of Midtown Manhattan,” he said. The signs at the side entrances will remain the same.

One other feature Mr. Fallon requested NBC was able to accommodate: The new marquee will be strong enough to hold up a band for special outdoor performances. “Maybe we can have Bono up there when he’s healthy,” Mr. Fallon said. (Bono, the lead singer of U2, broke his arm just before the band was due for a week of performances on the show.) “I don’t know who will christen it, but it will be spectacular to have that happening over Sixth Avenue,” Mr. Fallon said.
The new marquee fits well with NBC’s plans to renovate 30 Rock to incorporate many of the original Art Deco features from the building’s early days. Opened in 1933, the structure has always been known for such features as its enormous murals, by the artist Josep Maria Sert. But in the 1970s, Mr. Wallace said, remodeling of the ground floor and lobby masked some of the original designs.
One was a mosaic, titled “Man’s Enlightenment,” which was visible in the vestibule just inside the Avenue of the Americas entrance. That was covered up by the canopies that went up in that era. The construction of the new marquee will reopen that mosaic to public view, Mr. Wallace said.
NBC is also remodeling the lobby to restore the building’s elegant mezzanine. In the early days, guests entered the lobby and ascended a grand stairway to the mezzanine. That’s where they assembled before appearing on NBC’s various shows, Mr. Wallace said.
“This is all about having a true appreciation of the past,” he said.
Mr. Fallon said: “I still don’t believe it. I called my parents, and they will come to the city for Thanksgiving and be able to see it. I’ll probably be wearing a disguise and walk across the street to stare at it from afar.