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Wednesday 9 November 2016

Russia's Putin congratulates Trump on election win

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated businessman Donald Trump on his victory in the US presidential election in a telegram on Wednesday, the Kremlin said.
"Putin expressed hope for joint work to restore Russian-American relations from their state of crisis, and also to address pressing international issues and search for effective responses to challenges concerning global security," the Kremlin said in a statement.
Putin also said he was sure a constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington would serve the interests of both countries, the Kremlin said.

Trump triumphs over Clinton in White House upset

Trump Clinton
289 (√) 218
Republicans Democrats
 51 (√) 47
Republican Donald Trump stunned the world on Tuesday by defeating heavily favored Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path.
A wealthy real-estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of anger toward Washington insiders to defeat Clinton, whose gold-plated establishment resume includes stints as a first lady, US senator and secretary of state.

Worried a Trump victory could cause economic and global uncertainty, investors were in full flight from risky assets such as stocks. In overnight trading, S&P 500 index futures fell 5 percent to hit their so-called limit down levels, indicating they would not be permitted to trade any lower until regular US stock market hours on Wednesday.
The Associated Press and Fox News projected that Trump had collected just enough of the 270 state-by-state electoral votes needed to win a four-year term that starts on Jan. 20, taking battleground states where presidential elections are traditionally decided.
CNN reported Clinton had called Trump to concede the election.
A short time earlier, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta told supporters at her election rally in New York to go home. "Several states are too close to call so we're not going to have anything more to say tonight," he said.
Victorious in a cliffhanger race that opinion polls had forecast was Clinton's to win, Trump won avid support among a core base of white non-college educated workers with his promise to be the "greatest jobs president that God ever created."
His win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist "America First" path. He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by US companies that went abroad.
Both candidates, albeit Trump more than Clinton, had historically low popularity ratings in an election that many voters characterized as a choice between two unpleasant alternatives.
Trump, who at 70 will be the oldest first-term US president, came out on top after a bitter and divisive campaign that focused largely on the character of the candidates and whether they could be trusted to serve as the country's 45th president.
The presidency will be his first elected office, and it remains to be seen how he will work with Congress. During the campaign Trump was the target of sharp disapproval, not just from Democrats but from many in his own party.
Television networks projected Republicans would retain control of the US House of Representatives, where all 435 seats were up for grabs. In the US Senate, the party also put up an unexpectedly tough fight to protect its majority in the US Senate.
Trump entered the race 17 months ago and survived a series of seemingly crippling blows, many of them self-inflicted, including the emergence in October of a 2005 video in which he boasted about making unwanted sexual advances on women. He apologized but within days, several women emerged to say he had groped them, allegations he denied. He was judged the loser of all three presidential debates with Clinton.


During the campaign, Trump said he would make America great again through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims.
His volatile nature and unorthodox proposals led to campaign feuds with a long list of people, including Muslims, the disabled, Republican US Senator John McCain, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, the family of a slain Muslim-American soldier, a Miss Universe winner and a federal judge of Mexican heritage.
Throughout his campaign - and especially in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in July - Trump described a dark America that had been knocked to its knees by China, Mexico, Russia and Islamic State. The American dream was dead, he said, smothered by malevolent business interests and corrupt politicians, and he alone could revive it.
He offered vague plans to win economic concessions from China, to build a wall on the southern US border with Mexico to keep out undocumented immigrants and to pay for it with tax money sent home by migrants.
The Mexican peso plunged to its lowest-ever levels. The peso had become a touchstone for sentiment on the election as Trump threatened to rip up a free trade agreement with Mexico.
His triumph was a rebuke to President Barack Obama, a Democrat who spent weeks flying around the country to campaign against him. Obama will hand over the office to Trump after serving the maximum eight years allowed by law.
Trump promises to push Congress to repeal Obama's troubled healthcare plan and to reverse his Clean Power Plan. He plans to create jobs by relying on US fossil fuels such as oil and gas.


Trump's victory marked a frustrating end to the presidential aspirations of Clinton, 69, who for the second time failed in her drive to be elected the first woman US president.
In a posting on Twitter, Clinton acknowledged a battle that was unexpectedly tight given her edge in opinion polls going into Election Day.
"This team has so much to be proud of. Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything," she tweeted.
The wife of former President Bill Clinton and herself a former US senator, she held a steady lead in many opinion polls for months. Voters perceived in her a cautious and calculating candidate and an inability to personally connect with them.
Even though the FBI found no grounds for criminal charges after a probe into her use of a private email server rather than a government system while she was secretary of state, the issue allowed critics to raise doubts about her integrity. Hacked emails also showed a cozy relationship between her State Department and donors to her family's Clinton Foundation charity.
Trump seized on the emails to charge that Clinton represented a corrupt political system in Washington that had to be swept clean.
Trump's national security ideas, opposed by most of the elite voices across the political spectrum, have simultaneously included promises to build up the US military while at the same time avoiding foreign military entanglements.
He wants to rewrite international trade deals to reduce trade deficits. He has taken positions that raise the possibility of damaging relations with America's most trusted allies in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
He has promised to warm relations with Russia that have chilled under Obama over Russian President Vladimir Putin's intervention in the Syrian civil war and his seizure of Ukraine's Crimea region.
"Wouldn't it be nice if we could get along with Russia?" he said at many rallies.

Analysis: He made a fool of the world

The bafflement and bewilderment among the saner heads are now widespread as the US election results show Trump has triumphed.  The feelings sloshing around us are understandable. How could a man so unfit to head a superpower, so unreliable, so sexually scandalous and so misogynic and racist could make such a comeback?
Paul Krugman, the Nobel winning economist and columnist, in his lament for the result writes in The New York Times, truly reflecting the emotions of a logical people, “What we do know is that people like me, and probably like most readers of The New York Times, truly didn’t understand the country we live in. It turns out that we were wrong.”
Yes we were wrong. Yes the whole world was wrong. The media were wrong. The politicians were wrong. The World leaders were wrong, and even Trump’s own party leaders were wrong.
How could we support a man who so openly boasts about groping women? How could we support a man who does not believe in inclusiveness and thinks Muslims should be thrown out of the  country?
In the end Donald Trump looked a forlorn candidate in the race. More than 160 of his party top guns had deserted him. Most of the newspapers including the Republican leaning ones had turned on him. All the polls indicated that his rival Hilary Clinton will win. Even when the voting started, the projection showed Clinton’s winning chance of 85 percent.
However much we all thought like that, however much we wanted him to be defeated, more people than us in the US had thought otherwise. And they rushed in droves to vote for Trump.
America must search its soul and find an answer to this upset politics.
But some answers we can probably guess. The American society has become highly racist. The ongoing phenomenon of white American policemen killing blacks on trivial grounds and the backlash of some stray blacks killing white policemen was just an indication.
The white Americans had taken on a hardened attitude towards the immigrants and Muslims. They started believing in blood and soil.
To them, the venom and hatred that Trump spits is what they actually wanted to say but could not because of the veneer of civility.  Trump had unhinged that latch to inner psyche and gurgled out the filth. The voters went mad with joy at the sudden ventilation of their pent up feelings.
And Trump alone knew what he was doing.  He is a genius in that sense. His campaign team, all  very qualified professionals in the realm of communication, psychology and politics, cringed at Trump’s constant stewing of hate speeches and almost resigned. Many of them left their desk to hit the bars in the evening to pass their time more meaningfully. Trump overrode his campaigners in delivering his speeches. His campaign team failed to stop him from tweeting unsavoury texts. He closely watched and edited his advertisement campaigns, often to the frustrations of his team. And he proved right. Only he could touch the nerves of his fellow citizens.
When the tapes about Trump’s behavior with women came out, everybody that it is just about the last nail on his coffin. Yet, they forgot to recall what happened when a more severe kind of sex scandal was revealed about Bill Clinton regarding his sexual conduct with Monica Lewinsky. Clinton was reelected.
They forgot that such misogynistic attitude is so common in that society. Men and women actually take it for granted that men will behave like that with women.  Trump actually was the Man.
And he became more of a Man when the media deserted him. He was a lone fighter. A wounded bull that everybody wanted to win against the matador. And so he won.
A man who is considered as capable of bringing, if he wins, “a new age of darkness”, as The Guardian wrote, and the man whose win will put the world in danger as the UN Human Rights Commission observed and the highly reputable monthly, The Atlantic, which perceived him “to be a danger to the USA, had his last laugh.
Whether the world can smile too, we have to wait with crossed fingers to see.

8,523 pass in 37th BCS preliminary test

Public Service Commission (PSC) today published the results of the 37th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) preliminary test with 8,523 candidates coming out successful.
The results are available at
The two-hour long preliminary test was held at 190 centres simultaneously in Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Barisal, Khulna, Sylhet and Rangpur centres from 9:30am to 11:30am on September 30.
A total of 2, 43,476 candidates took part in the exam.

Republicans ‘keep control of Congress’

Both chambers of the US Congress are projected to remain under Republican control when they convene on January 3, with voters on Tuesday dashing Democrats' hopes of taking over the Senate while keeping the House of Representatives in Republican hands.
A few Senate races were still undecided, but projections by major media organizations indicated that Democrats no longer had a probable path toward capturing control of the 100-seat Senate.
So far, Democrats had succeeded in gaining only one seat from Republicans, in Illinois, where U.S. Representative Tammy Duckworth defeated Senator Mark Kirk. Democrats needed to pick up a net five seats to take Senate control.
Republicans campaigned on an agenda that shunned comprehensive immigration reform and opposed the national healthcare program known as Obamacare, gun control and expanded environmental and financial regulations.
The Republican Congress could be dealing in January with a Republican president. Donald Trump was edging closer to winning the White House over Democrat Hillary Clinton with a series of shocking wins on Tuesday in key states such as Florida and Ohio.
In the Senate, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, was expected to remain at his post for at least the next two years.
On the House side, Speaker Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, could face a divided party and a contentious battle in his re-election bid in January for the leadership job.

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton to win US presidency

Billionaire businessman beats former secretary of state, who calls to congratulate him on his victory.

Donald Trump is the next president of the United States after a long, bitter and divisive election campaign.
Projections early on Wednesday showed that Trump clinched victory over Hillary Clinton to become the 45th US president-elect after securing the 270 electoral votes needed to win.
Speaking to his supporters in New York after clinching victory, Trump said that Clinton had congratulated him on his win.
US election: How did Hillary Clinton lose?
"I have just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us on our victory … and I congratulated her and her family on a very very hard-fought campaign."
Trump said it was "time for us to come together", pledging to be president "for all Americans".
Clinton's campaign team said the Democratic candidate would speak on Wednesday morning.
Al Jazeera's James Bays, reporting from New York, described the result as "a political bombshell that we haven't seen in modern history".
The 2016 US election caught the attention of hundreds of millions around the world with dramatic moments in the campaign grabbing headlines for more than a year.
Trump was seen as the least likely candidate to win in what was an extremely a tight race.
A former reality TV star, Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015.
Since then, the billionaire businessman from New York has consistently alienated minority groups, refused to release his tax returns and remained seemingly unapologetic for leaked tapes in which he brags about sexually assaulting women.
Global markets fell as the projected results emerged amid fears that a Trump presidency could cause financial turmoil.
The dollar lost value against other currencies, and the Mexican peso saw its steepest dive in more than 20 years, plummeting 8 percent at one point. Oil futures also declined.
Clinton had a slim lead in the polls but no one was ruling out a Trump victory. A polling average by tracker site RealClearPolitics gave Clinton a 3.3-percentage point national lead.
The 69-year-old former first lady, senator, and secretary of state - who was backed by incumbent President Barack Obama - on Monday urged the country to unite and vote for "a hopeful, inclusive, big-hearted America" in her last effort to woo voters.
Trump, meanwhile, pressed his message with voters who feel left behind by globalisation and social change, wrapping up with a flourish on his protectionist slogan of "America first".
Promising to end "years of betrayal," tear up free trade deals, seal the border, halt the drug trade and subject Syrian refugees to "extreme vetting", Trump told his supporters in New Hampshire: "I am with you and I will fight for you and we will win."
Clinton had pushed a more optimistic vision, despite a wobble in the final weeks of her campaign when the FBI re-opened an investigation into whether she had put US secrets at risk by using a private email server - only to close the probe again on Sunday. The email investigation allowed Trump to recover ground lost in a series of recent scandals.
Source: Al Jazeera News

PM congratulates Trump, invites him to Bangladesh

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today congratulated Donald Trump on the latter’s victory in the race for White House and emerging as the new US president.
In a letter hours after the victory of the new president, Hasina hoped of boosting ties with US under his leadership and invited Trump and his wife to visit Bangladesh.
“I am confident that under your leadership, the existing bilateral relation between our two friendly nations would be further strengthened,” she said in the letter.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina“I look forward to working closely with you for advancing our bilateral and multilateral interests and contributing to create a safe and secured world, where our coming generations could live and continue to prosper peacefully.”
“I cordially invite you and Mrs Melania Trump to visit Bangladesh at a mutually convenient time and see for yourself the phenomenal development that took place in Bangladesh in the recent years.”