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আইফোন জিতে ক্লিক করুন

Friday 31 July 2015

তারকাদের সেক্স স্ক্যান্ডাল(sex scandal bd model)সমূহ

তারকাদের জীবনে স্ক্যান্ডাল কখনো আশীর্বাদ, অভিশাপরূপে আসে। শুধু সেক্স স্ক্যান্ডাল দিয়ে রাতারাতি বড় তারকা বনে গেছেন হলিউডের কিম কার্দেশিয়ানের মতো আরো অনেক তারকা। আবার সেক্স স্ক্যান্ডালের কারণে ক্যারিয়ারে ধস নেমেছে এমন উদাহরণ বাংলাদেশী প্রভাসহ অনেক আছে।

হলিউড কিংবা বলিউডের মতো সেক্স স্ক্যান্ডালের ঘটনা বাংলাদেশের শোবিজে খুব বেশি নেই। যা আছে তাও ফেক। তারকারা অপপ্রচারের বলি। তবে সব যে অপপ্রচার তাও নয়। আসুন দেখি কম বেশি যাদের এসব সেক্স স্ক্যান্ডাল ছড়িয়েছে তাদের সম্পরকে জেনে নেই।

শমী কায়সারা:
bangladeshi model shomi kaisar sex scandal শমী কায়সার বেশ কিছুদিন থেকে অভিনয়ের বাইরে আছেন। একসময়ে দাপটের সঙ্গে অভিনয় করেছেন শমী কায়সার। শমী কায়সার তার অভিনয় জীবনে সবচেয়ে আলোচিত হন সেক্স স্ক্যান্ডালের কারণে। কলকাতার রিঙ্গোকে ভালোবেসে বিয়ে করেন তিনি। তাদের গোপন ভিডিও বাজারে আসে ২০০৩ সালের দিকে। এসময় সিডি তৈরি করে ব্যবসা করেন অসাধু ব্যবসায়ীরা।

সাদিয়া জাহান প্রভা:
bd model prova sex scandalজনপ্রিয় অভিনেত্রী সাদিয়া জাহান প্রভা যখন দেশের শীর্ষ মডেল ও অভিনেত্রী, ঠিক সেই সময়েই তার একটি ভিডিও ফুটেজ বাজারে ছাড়েন তার সেই সময়ের হবু বর রাজীব। মুহূর্তেই তা দেশ বিদেশে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। রাজীব এবং প্রভার বিয়ে পারিবারিকভাবেই চূড়ান্ত হয়েছিলো। সব ঠিকঠাক এগুচ্ছিলোও। তাই অনেকটা দাম্পত্য জীবনের মতোই ছিলো তাদের সম্পর্ক। কিন্তু এর মাঝে অভিনেতা অপূর্বর সাথে প্রভার মনদেয়া নেয়া হলে প্রভা পালিয়ে অপূর্বকে বিয়ে করে বসেন। এরপরই প্রতিহিংসার বশে রাজীব তার হবু স্ত্রী প্রভার একান্ত সময়ের কিছু ফুটেজ ইন্টারনেটে ছেড়ে দেন। প্রভার পক্ষ থেকে এমনটাই অভিযোগ করা হয়েছিল। এ নিয়ে তুমুল বিতর্কে পরেন প্রভা। অপূর্বর সাথেও সংসার ভেঙ্গে যায়। ক্যারিয়ারে ধস নামে। দীর্ঘ ২ বছর মিডিয়া থেকে আড়ালে ছিলেন তিনি।

পপ তারকা মিলা:
bd singer mila sex scandalজনপ্রিয় পপ শিল্পী মিলা’র ক্যারিয়ার শুরু হয় গানের মাধ্যমেই। পরে অবশ্য বেশ কয়েকটি বিজ্ঞাপনেও মডেলিং করেন এই পপ তারকা। কিন্তু ক্যারিয়ারের জনপ্রিয়তার তুঙ্গে থাকা অবস্থায় হঠাৎ করেই তার নাম চলে আসে ভিডিও স্ক্যান্ডালের তালিকায়। ইন্টারনেটে ‘মিলা’ নামে একটি আপত্তিকর ভিডিও প্রকাশ করা হয়। ৩৩ সেকেন্ডের ঐ ভিডিওটিতে মাতাল অবস্থায় থাকা তরুণীর চিত্র রয়েছে। এ ঘটনার কয়েকমাস পর মিলা এ বিষয়ে মুখ খোলেন। তিনি দাবি করেন, প্রকাশিত ভিডিও চিত্রের মেয়েটি তিনি নন। এটি আসলেই মিলা কিনা তা নিয়ে সন্দেহ প্রকাশ করেছেন অনেকেই। তবে স্ক্যান্ডাল থেকে রক্ষা পাননি তিনি।

নাদিরা নাছিম চৈতি:
bd news reportar nadira nasim chaity sex scandalপ্রভার আপত্তিকর ভিডিও চিত্র প্রকাশ হওয়ার রেশ কাটতে না কাটতেই পরের বছরই মডেল ও উপস্থাপিকা চৈতির একটি আপত্তিকর ভিডিও প্রকাশ হয়। নির্মাতা এনামুল কবির নির্ঝরের সাথে এই ভিডিওতে আপত্তিকর অবস্থায় দেখা যায় চৈতিকে। ভিডিওটি মোবাইলে ধারণ করা হয়েছিলো। এই আপত্তিকর ভিডিও চিত্রটি প্রকাশের পরপরই তুমুল সমালোচনার মধ্যে পড়েন চৈতি। এ ঘটনা মিডিয়া অঙ্গনসহ সাধারণ মহলেও বিষয়টি নিয়ে কড়া সমালোচনার সৃষ্টি হয়। এরপর অনেক দিন মিডিয়ায় দেখা যায়নি এই তারকাকে।

অরুণ চৌধুরী
নাট্যকার ও সাংবাদিক অরুণ চৌধুরীকে জড়িয়ে একটি ভিডিও স্ক্যান্ডাল ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। একটি অফিস কক্ষে গোপন ক্যামেরায় ধারণকৃত এই ভিডিওতে কথিত অরুণ চৌধুরীর সাথে যে নারীটিকে দেখা গেছে সেই নারীটি মডেল বিন্দু বলে বিভিন্ন যায়গায় প্রচার হয়। ভিডিওর ব্যক্তি অরুণ চৌধুরী নয় বলে দাবি করেন স্ত্রী চয়নিকা চৌধুরী। পরে শোনা গেছে অরুণ চৌধুরী এর কারণে চাকুরী হারিয়েছেন।

ইভা রহমান:
eva rahman sex scandal সঙ্গীতশিল্পী ইভা রহমানের নামে একটি অন্তরঙ্গ দৃশ্যের ভিডিও চিত্র প্রচুর জনপ্রিয়তা পায়। ভিডিও দৃশ্যে দেখা যায়, একটি হোটেল কক্ষে এক বিদেশীর সাথে সেক্স করছেন ইভা রহমানের মতো দেখতে এক নারী। ইভা রহমান অবশ্য জোর গলায় এটিকে গুজব বলে উড়িয়ে দেন।

nova sex scandal মডেল অভিনেত্রী নোভার নামও জড়িয়ে পরে ভিডিও স্ক্যান্ডালে। ক্যারিয়ারের ব্যস্ত সময়ে একটি ভিডিও ফুটেজ বিতর্কে ফেলে দেয় এই তারকাকে। ২০১০ সালে তার নামে একটি অর্ধ বিবসনা ফুটেজ ছড়িয়ে পরে। যা এ তারকাকে স্ক্যান্ডালের তালিকায় ফেলে দেয়। যদিও ফুটেজটির মেয়েটির পরিচয় নিশ্চিত হওয়া যায়নি।

শ্রাবস্তী দত্ত তিন্নি:
shrabonti tinni bd model actress sex scandal ভিডিও স্ক্যান্ডালের সাথে জড়িয়ে পরে বাংলাদেশের জনপ্রিয় মডেল অভিনেতা তিন্নি-হিল্লোল জুটি। একটি হোটেল কক্ষে তরুণ-তরুণীর অন্তরঙ্গ মুহূর্তে ধারণকৃত একটি ভিডিও ফুটেজ দুজনের নামে ছেড়ে দেয়া হয় বাজারে। ভিডিওটির পাত্র-পাত্রী হিসেবে চলে আসে এ জুটির নাম। এই ভিডিওটির সত্যতা মেলেনি। কিন্তু সমালোচনার হাত থেকে রেহাই মেলেনি এই তারকা-জুটির।

আনিকা কবির শখ:
anika kobir shokh bad hot model actress sex scandal জনপ্রিয় মডেল আনিকা কবির শখের নামে একটি ভিডিও ফুটেজ বেশ আলোড়ন সৃষ্টি করে ২০১১ সালের মাঝামাঝিতে। ভিডিও ক্লিপটি প্রকাশ হওয়ার সাথে সাথেই এটি নানাভাবে ছড়িয়ে পরে সর্বত্র। ভিডিওতে বিবসনা নারীটি আসলেই শখ কিনা তা নিয়ে সংশয় রয়েছে। তবে ফুটেজ ছড়িয়ে পড়ার পর শখের ক্যারিয়ার ইমেজে দর্শকদের নেতিবাচক বার্তা পৌছায়।

বিদ্যা সিনহা মীম:
biddha sinha mim bd hot model actress sex scandal লাক্স সুপারস্টার জনপ্রিয় মডেল অভিনেত্রী বিদ্যা সিনহা মীম বেশ ক্লিন ইমেজ নিয়েই মিডিয়ায় ছিলেন। কিন্তু এতে বাঁধা হয়ে উঠে একটি আপত্তিকর ভিডিও ফুটেজ। গত বছর এক বিদেশি ক্রিকেটারের সাথে আপত্তিকর দৃশ্যের এ ফুটেজ প্রকাশ হয়। এনিয়ে সামাজিক মাধ্যমসহ বিভিন্ন মহলে সমালোচনার ঝড় ওঠে। তবে এটা আসলেই তারকা বিদ্যা সিনহা মিম কিনা তা নিয়েও অনেকে সংশয় প্রকাশ করেন।

mehjabin choudhury bd hot model actress sex scandal বাংলাদেশের সেক্স স্ক্যান্ডালের সর্বশেষ বলি উঠতি তারকা মেহজাবিন। কিছুদিন আগে ফেসবুকে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে মেহজাবিনের নামে এক পর্নো ক্লিপ। মেহজাবিন অবশ্য জানিয়েছেন, এটি স্রেফ ভাইরাস। তার বিরুদ্ধে শত্রুতা করে কে বা কারা তার নামে এই অপপ্রচার চালিয়েছে।

sarika bd hot model actress sex scandalভিডিও স্ক্যান্ডালের ফাঁদে পড়তে হয়েছে জনপ্রিয় মডেল ও অভিনেত্রী সারিকাকেও। ইন্টারনেটে বেশ কয়েকটি ওয়েব সাইটে সারিকার নামে একটি পর্ণো ভিডিও ছড়িয়ে দেয়া হয়। এই ভিডিও চিত্রটিও সেলফোন, মনিটরে ঘুরে ঘুরে সমালোচনার জন্ম দিয়েছে। তবে প্রকাশিত ভিডিওর নারী চরিত্রটি সারিকা নয় বলে তার ঘনিষ্ঠজনরা দাবি করেছেন।

porshi bd hot singer sex scandal বর্তমান সময়ের জনপ্রিয় সঙ্গীত শিল্পী পরশীও রেহাই পায়নি এই সাইবার ক্রাইম থেকে। ভিডিও স্ক্যান্ডালের শিকার হতে হয়েছে তাকেও। পরশীর নাম ব্যবহার করে একটি ভিডিও ফুটেজ প্রকাশ করা হয়। যদিও ভিডিওর মেয়েটির পরিচয় জানা যায়নি।

bindu bd hot model actress sex scandalনাট্যকার ও সাংবাদিক অরুন চৌধুরীকে জড়িয়ে একটি ভিডিও স্ক্যান্ডাল ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। আর এর সাথে যুক্ত হয় জনপ্রিয় তারকা বিন্দুর নাম। একটি অফিস কক্ষে গোপন ক্যামেরায় ধারনকৃত এই ভিডিওতে কথিত অরুন চৌধুরীর সাথে যে নারীটিকে দেখা গেছে সেই নারীটি মডেল বিন্দু বলে বিভিন্ন যায়গায় প্রচার হয়। এটিকে বিন্দুর বিরুদ্ধে অপপ্রচার বলেও দাবি করেন তার নিকটজনরা।

3 killed as Komen crosses Ctg coast

Houses damaged, croplands, fisheries projects washed away

July 31, 2015 12:42 am·0 Comments
Staff Correspondent
Most areas of coastal Shahparir Dwip in Teknaf of Cox’s Bazar became inundated as cyclonic storm Komen approached the coast on Thursday.— New Age  photo
Most areas of coastal Shahparir Dwip in Teknaf of Cox’s Bazar became inundated as cyclonic storm Komen approached the coast on Thursday.— New Age photo
Cyclonic storm ‘Komen’ moved northwards, weaken slightly and started crossing Chittagong coast near Sandwip at about 9:00pm on Thursday with maximum about 60-70 kilometre per hour sustained wind speed in gusts within 54km of the cyclone centre.
It crossed Saint Martin’s Island on early Thursday and Cox’s Bazar on Thursday noon.
At least three people – one each in Cox’s Bazaar, Patuakhali and Bhola – died falling under uprooted trees and 50 were injured in storm and rain in southeast part of the country under influence of the cyclonic storm on Thursday.
Besides, thousands of houses were damaged and inundated, several hundred fisheries projects were washed away and vast areas of croplands went under water, said reports received from south-eastern districts.
Cox’s Bazar Met Officer official AKM Nazmol Hoque told New Age that cyclonic storm Komen already hit Saint Martin’s Island early Wednesday with 60 to 80 kph wind speed. It passed Cox’s Bazar sea port around noon on Thursday. ‘But some peripheral cloud and gusty winds are also over on Cox’s Bazar.’
Besides regular shelter houses, the administration shut classes of schools and opened temporary shelter houses there and used loudspeakers from early morning to ask people to go there leaving their homes to avoid loss of lives, reports received from different southeastern and southern districts said.
Sea remained very rough and most of the low laying coastal areas went under water. The coastal rivers were also remained rough, the reports said.
Roads in Cox’s Bazaar, Chittagong, Patuakhali and many other places became almost empty from Thursday noon.
Flight operation at Cox’s Bazar airport remained suspended from Wednesday and operations at Chittagong seaport and airport remained suspended since Thursday morning, officials concerned said.
Fishing boats and trawlers were seen anchored in different fish landing stations and canals in the coastal belt.
Many of the affected areas had to endure power cuts to avoid risks.
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation control room in Dhaka said that the authorities suspended movement of all the ferries and ships in inland rivers and waterways from early Thursday. The ferry service on only Paturia-Daulatdia and Maowa-Keorakandi routs on Padma river was going on.
In an office order, the Roads and Highways Department cancelled the holiday of its officers and staff in coastal districts until Saturday.
The Chittagong divisional office of Directorate General of Health Services on Thursday also cancelled the holidays of all the officials and staff under it until further order to provide emergency treatment and medicines to the affected people.
A Met Office special weather bulletin at 9:00pm said that after the landfall the cyclone system might move west-northwestwards and weaken gradually by giving precipitation.
Maritime ports of Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar have been advised to keep hoisted danger signal number 7. The coastal districts of Cox’s Bazar, Chittagong, Noakhali, Laxmipur, Feni, Chandpur, Bhola, and their offshore islands and chars will come under danger signal number 7, it said.
It asked maritime ports of Mongla and Payra to keep hoisted danger signal number 5.
The coastal districts of Borguna, Patuakhali, Barisal, Pirozpur, Jhalakati, Bagherhat, Khulna, Satkhira and their offshore islands and chars will come under danger signal number 5, it said.
Under the influence of the cyclonic storm, the low-lying areas of the coastal districts of Cox’s Bazar, Chittagong, Noakhali, Lakshmipur, Feni, Chandpur, Bhola, Barisal, Patuakhali, Jhalakati, Pirozpur, Borguna, Bagherhat, Khulna, Satkhira and their offshore islands and chars are likely to be inundated by storm surge of 3-5 feet height above normal astronomical tide, the bulletin said.
New Age correspondent in Chittagong reported that the region witnessed moderate rain from early Thursday but heavy rain since evening.
Many parts of the city and the district had to sustain power cuts till evening to avoid further risks, locals said.
Commuters and vehicles on the streets in both the city and district’s major links noticeably constrained following the rough weather outside.
New Age correspondent in Cox’s Bazar reported that at least one was killed, 50 were injured, 500 houses were damaged, thousands of houses were submerged and hundreds of shrimp projects and ponds were washed away in the district by stormy wind and heavy rain as Komen hit the district.
The deceased, Mohammad Islam, 50, of Paschaimpara village of Saint Martin’s Island died as a tree fell on him during a storm that swept over the island at midnight past Wednesday with heavy rain.
Some 20 fishing boats at Saint Martin’s islana and Sahaporirdip of Teknaf were damaged by the storm.
Thousands of houses at coastal areas of Moheskhali, Kutubdia, Chakaria, Pekoua, Teknaf, Ramu and Cox’s Bazar sadar were flooded by three feet tide.
Besides, the return of 159 Bangladeshi illegal migrants from Myanmar was delayed due to the cyclonic storm as the flag meeting between Border Guard Bangladesh and Myanmar’s Border Guard Police, scheduled for Thursday, was suspended for the inclement weather, Cox’s Bazar BGB commanding officer Mohammad Rabiul Islam said.
New Age correspondent in Patuakhali reported that Md Noor Islam, 52, of Kallayan Kalas village under Galachipa in the district was killed as a tree fell on him at about 12:30pm while strong wind blew over the area.
Over 100 shoals were over flooded as high tide influenced by the cyclone Komen.
In Bhola, Manzuara Bibi, 55, of Char Kachua under Lalmohan died as a tree fell on her near her house around noon, Lalmohon upazila nirbahi officer Zakir Hossain said.
Char Kukri Mukri police outpost sub-inspector said that they received information from local fishermen that at least 24 fishermen went missing as three trawlers capsized at Charfashion estuary on early Thursday.

Angelina Jolie preparing son Maddox to take over charity

Hindustan Times
Hollywood actor-filmmaker Angelina Jolie wants her eldest son, Maddox, to run the charity she named after him in Cambodia in the future and has hired him as a researcher on her new film.
The 40-year-old Oscar-winning actor adopted Maddox, 13, from an orphanage in western Cambodia in 2002.
Angelina says he will take over the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which she set up there 12 years ago "to help local families overcome problems associated with poverty in the region and to help preserve the remarkable habitat and wildlife for future generations," in the future, reported People magazine.

Asked if he would be involved in her upcoming Netflix film, First they Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers, about the country's Khmer Rouge communist regime, during which 1.7 million civilians died in the 1970s, the director said, "Maddox will be on set every day after school and involved behind the scenes.
 And yes, Maddox is already involved in the Foundation and will take over my role when he is older.
As Maddox and I prepare the film we will be side by side learning about his country.
He is turning 14 next week and this is a very important time for him to understand who he is.
He is my son but he is also a son of Cambodia."

Bangladesh v South Africa, Day 2 washed out

Star Online Report
Continual rain from early morning compelled match officials to call off play for day 2 of the 2nd Test between Bangladesh and South Africa at Mirpur stadium today.
Earlier, heavy overnight and morning showers delayed the start of the second day's play.
After an absorbing day of cricket on the first day, Bangladesh are at 246 for 8 in 88.1 overs with Nasir Hossain unbeaten on 13 at the wicket.
Several Bangladeshi batters got out after good starts, while Mushfiqur Rahim became the first skipper for his side to score a fifty against South Africa in Test matches.
Dale Steyn became the 13th bowler to take 400 Test wickets but South Africa's part-time spinners enjoyed most of the success on an gripping day of grind on both sides.
South Africa's bowlers showed more intent and aggression than in the first Test but were made to toil on a slow, dry surface that had been run ragged as early as day one.
There were signs of substantial turn, which will suit Bangladesh later on, and it placed added importance on the hosts making the most of what will likely be the best batting conditions of the game.
However, the inclement weather is likely to have the last laugh as far as the game is concerned, with incessant rain at Dhaka from early morning today.
Rain is the order of the day according to and the chances of play on 2nd day look terribly bleak indeed.
Bangladesh Team
Tamim Iqbal, Imrul Kayes, Mominul Haque, Mahmudullah, Mushfiqur Rahim (Captain, Wicketkeeper), Shakib Al Hasan, Nasir Hossain, Liton Das, Mohammad Shahid, Mustafizur Rahman and Jubair Hossain
South Africa Team
D Elgar, S van Zyl, F du Plessis, HM Amla (Captain), T Bavuma, JP Duminy, DJ Vilas (Wicketkeeper), VD Philander, DW Steyn, SR Harmer, M Morkel

Separated again 68 years after

Enclave dwellers' freedom a few hours away
It is nothing compared to the greatest migration in history when people moved like ants to cross borders into Bengal and Punjab. There will be no violence and death stalking them at every footstep. And yet there will be many similarities.
Second time in the history of this sub-continent, a mass migration, however small may be the number – 979 to be exact and only one way from this side to India– will take place anytime soon once the enclaves will no longer exist from midnight today.
For the second time in our history, people were given a choice, just as in 1947, to choose their homeland.
In Dashiarchhara, an Indian enclave in Bangladesh, 284 people – 158 of them Hindus and 126 Muslims – will travel to India, cross the border and say goodbye to this land for ever.
Mrinal Chandra Barman is one of them who is waiting to migrate. He had ten bighas of land here which he farmed.  But now he is taking preparation to leave. He has already sold all the tall trees on his homestead for Tk 10,000.
“I don't know what I will do there, but I will go,” Mrinal says, his wife and children waiting in the background.  “This was my fate. What can I do?”
Mrinal knows he will not get any land from the Indian government against the land he will forego here. He knows he will have to stay in a camp. And he does not know what will happen to him next.  He also does not know what will happen to his land here.
“I have to surrender the land to the administration. But I am not sure whether I can sell the land because there will be no buyers, or they will quote ridiculously low price because they know I have no option.”
Krishna Kanti Barman also does not know how and when he will reach India.
“I hope the government will provide us vehicle to transport our stuffs– beds and utensils,” he says. “I was an Indian enclave person. So I opted to be an Indian.”
Krishna however has a better hope because he is a mason and he has some relatives there who had migrated illegally before India put up the barbed wire fence.
“I know how to build a building. I have heard that there is a big town over there. So there must be a lot of constructions. If you know how to work, you will not go unfed,” he laughs, nervously.
Like Krishna and Mrinal, 30 percent of the Hindus of Dashiarchhara will go to India and become its citizens.
For Muslims, the comparable figure will be much lower at only about 1.5 percent.
Shahjahan Ali and his entire family of three brothers and two sisters are among them who are also getting ready for the migration.  They however have very little to take with them. They do not even have any land.
“We will just grab our clothes and go,” Shahjahan says.
“I will take my ornaments,” says his sister Asma, who shows her box of imitation bangles. “I love them. I don't want to go without my bangles.”
And as Mrinal, Shahjahan and others like them are preparing to leave, the moneyed people in Dashiarchhara are getting ready too for a different reason.
They know those who are leaving will have no choice but to sell their property, now or later.
“I will buy their land. It must come cheap because if we do not buy who will then?” Shamsul chortles in front of his pucca house. “After all it is the time for making hay.”

Girl rescued while being trafficked to India; one held

Unb, Benapole
Police rescued a young girl while she was being trafficked to India through Putkhali border point here last night.
The victim was identified as Mamata Khatun, 17, a garment worker and daughter of Faji Islam of Hawra Satpara village in Sadar upazila of Sherpur district.
Nur Alam, a sub-inspector of Benapole Port Police Station, said Mamata had developed a relationship of love with Sagor, son of Afsar Sheikh of Hawra Satpara village, one month back.
Sagar married Mamata with a promise to give her a good job in Malaysia.
On Thursday night, Sagar took Mamata to Baropota village in the bordering area to cross the border.
Suspecting the movement of Sagar and Mamata, local people rescued the girl and caught Sagar around 10:00pm.
Later they were handed over to Benapole Port Police Station.

12 awesome things you can do with used tea bags

Star Online Report
Have you ever thought how many awesome things a used tea bag can do?  Don’t throw away that teabag because besides being a great drink, tea has quite a few household uses, reports Pulptastic.

1. Heals canker sores

Canker sores are little white open sores in the mouth which is a result of allergies or nutritional deficiency. Canker sores can be treated by tea bags as tea contains tannic acid, which is an astringent and has anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Helps recover bruising and stops bleeding

The tannic acid (and caffeine) in tea bags can help in healing minor cuts and shrinks open capillaries and wounds, reduces swelling and bruising, closes paper cuts and treats razor burns.

3. Soothe your eyes

If someone is suffering from fierce dark circles, it is advisable that they use tea bags on their eyes. Dark circles appear either because the rest of the skin has paled, or if under-eye blood circulation increases. To reduce dark circles, it is advised to lay back and put tea backs on the lower eyelids for a few minutes.

4. Heal sunburn

Tea bags make excellent soothing remedy for sunburns. Squeeze excess tea from the tea bag, then gently rub over the burns.

5. Toughen broken skin.

For those who like punching without gloves for sport, tea bags can help drain excess liquid from boils and blisters, as well as soothe pain and promote the healing of broken skin to make it tougher next time around.

6. Deodorize the fridge.

Tea bags absorb unpleasant odors, from everywhere and in cases of a smelly fridge a couple used tea bags will be the best remedy. For shoes, closets and window sills, unused tea bags can maximize moisture absorption.

7. Help nurse your plants.

Tea bags have numerous benefits for plants. Tannic acids and other natural polyphenols in tea promote better and stronger plant growth.

8. Make homemade cleaning solutions.

Soaking dirty dishes in a tea solution breaks apart grease, and the same principle can be applied to mirrors, tables, furniture, and even the face. Yeah, tea cuts through facial grease, so tea bags can be used as decent homemade toner.

9. Protect the pots and pans from rust.

The tannins in tea, when rubbed all over a cast-iron pot, or a classical paella pan, prevents rust by delaying oxidation — similar to how ascorbic acid blocks oxidation in cut fruit, only for much longer.

10. Make scratches on wood furniture disappear.

Tea is a natural dye, and a tea bag is a quick fix for covering up light scratches on wood. It can be utilized to make an after-shampoo solution that will leave the hair colored and moisturized and also helps to combat hair graying.

11. Enrich your compost.

Tea’s polyphenols and phytochemicals are great in compost — tea nourishes seedlings, encourages growth, and speeds up decomposition within compost.

12. Tenderize tough cuts of meat.

Marinating meat in broth infused with tea will help tenderize it effectively, as the tannins in the tea break down muscle fibers in tougher cuts of meat, meaning you can enjoy your stroganoff that much more.

159 trafficking victims to be repatriated from Myanmar Aug 5

Star Online Report
A total of 159 Bangladeshi trafficking victims who were rescued by Myanmar from sea and scheduled to be brought back home yesterday, will be repatriated on August 5 due to rough weather in the sea.
“We have sent a letter to the Immigration and National Registration Department in Myanmar informing them to repatriate our 159 Bangladesh trafficking victims on August 5,” Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB)-17 commander Lieutenant Colonel M Rabiul Islam Rabi told our Cox’s bazar correspondent.
“And we hope that we would get a positive gesture in this regard,” the BGB official added.
They were scheduled to be repatriated to Bangladesh on Thursday but the effort failed due to the impact of Cyclone Komen, he said.
He also added that the ‘159 trafficking victims’, who were rescued by Myanmar navy, have been identified as Bangladeshi through a flag meeting with Myanmar Border Guard Police (BGP).
A total 150 Bangladeshi trafficking victims were repatriated home, on June 8, 37 on 19 and 155 brought back home on July 22.

Cyclonic storm 'Komen' lies as land depression

DHAKA, July 31, 2015 (BSS) - Maritime ports of Chittagong and Cox's Bazar have been advised to lower danger signal number seven but instead hoist local cautionary signal number three, said a met office release here today.

Maritime ports of Mongla and Pyra have been advised to lower danger signal number five but instead hoist local cautionary signal number three.

All fishing boats, trawlers and marine vessels over North Bay have been advised to remain in shelter till afternoon today (July 31) and proceed with caution till further notice.

Meanwhile, coastal observation and Radar imageries indicate that the
cyclonic storm 'Komen' crossed Chittagong coast near Sandwip at 6 am today and now lies over Noakhali and adjoining land area as a land depression.

It is likely to move west-northwestwards inland and weaken gradually by giving precipitation.

Engr LK Siddiqui's first death anniversary tomorrow

DHAKA, July 31, 2015 (BSS) - Former water resource minister Engineer L K Siddiqui's first anniversary of death will be observed tomorrow (Saturday).

To mark the day, a memorial meeting and doa mahfil will be organized at the Chittagong centre of the Engineer's Institution , Bangladesh at 4pm on the day.

All the people including deceased's well-wishers and relatives have been requested to attend the function.

Engineer LK Siddiqui, noted social worker and former rotary governor, died on August 1 in 2014 at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore at the age of 75.

Ctg people heave sigh of relief as Komen crossed the belt

CHITTAGONG, July 31, 2015 (BSS) - The people of the coastal belt of Chittagong heaved a sigh of relief as the cyclone Komen weakened and crossed the land near Sandwip Island without causing serious damages on Thursday midnight.

Maximum sustained wind speed was 50 to 54 km/h of the cyclone centre reached about 60 kmph to 70 kmph in gusts.
Sea remains very rough near the system centre, Meteorological Department said.

Heavy rain is continued to shower since last night in the city and its adjacent districts.
The meteorology department urged to show maritime port of Chittagong alert-3 following crossing the Komen.
Nearly one lakh people who had taken shelter in 475 cyclone shelter centres in the district have started returning to their homes, Acting Deputy Commissioner of Chittagong Mohammad Shah Reaz told BSS.
The coastal districts of Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Noakhali, Laxmipur, Feni, Chandpur, Bhola, and their offshore islands and chars is still under alert signal number 3.

Under the influence of the cyclonic storm the low-lying areas of the coastal districts and their offshore islands and chars have been inundated by the storm surge of 3-5 feet height above normal astronomical tide.
All vessels have started to berth inside the port gradually from safer places this morning.
Port sources said limited scale of port activities resumed from 10 am today.
Chittagong Shah Amanat International Air Port sources said flight operations resumed from this morning.
The instruments and equipments of the air port which shifted to safer places yesterday has started to install again from 10 am today.

Meanwhile, all ships of the national flag carrier Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC) have started to return from the outer anchorage of the Chittagong port from 10 am today.

BB vows stern action against willful defaulters

DHAKA, July 31, 2015 (BSS) - Bangladesh Bank (BB) reiterated its strong commitment of clamping down on willful defaulters by taking stern action against them to make banking sector more efficient and vibrant in credit operations.

"While the cases of the credible borrowers with potential for better businesses will be reviewed, the central bank will not hesitate to take any stern measures against the habitual defaulters and bad borrowers with a track record of persistent delinquencies", BB said in the new monetary policy statement (MPS).
Announced on Thursday, the half-yearly policy direction of the central bank referred to the findings of the BB's monitoring of nonperforming loans and the regulator's action against deliberate defaulters.

The MPS mentioned that the central bank found rise in nonperforming loans in the recent times when some of the figures of default loans were potentially alarming. BB, however, addressed those with taking corrective measures.
"Bangladesh Bank will not be lenient in this regard", the MPS said, referring that the central bank had already taken various steps to improve supervision so financial frauds can be minimized.

For instance, it said that the digital technology has been deployed to investigate big financial transactions and loans in order to stop the repetition of banking irregularities.
The BB in the MPS also mentioned that it took financial stability as a major concern and made routine stress testing exercises as diagnostic and supervisory tools to this effect.
"Bangladesh Bank and all other financial sectors, capital markets, the insurance sector, regulatory authorities in Bangladesh hold regular quarterly consultations toward policy coordination upholding financial stability", BB said.
Besides tackling the short term risks, the central bank is also playing a role of development bank, with taking various steps to fence off the country's banking and financial sectors from longer term environmental risks and inequity driven social instability risks.

"Bangladesh Bank has been one of the few forerunner central banks addressing these risks in its monetary and financial policies, promoting socially responsible inclusive and environmentally sustainable financing", the MPS said.
It further said that BB's attention towards promoting inclusive, environmentally sustainable financing is not in any way impairing its core price stabilization objective, as evident from the sustained spell of Bangladesh's inflation moderation and macroeconomic stability.

"Bangladesh Bank believes that these innovative approaches rather than indiscriminate monetary expansion are the launching pads needed for transition to Bangladesh's aspired higher growth trajectory", the MPS said.

US Envoy visits ACD in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI, July 31, 2015 (BSS) - US Ambassador to Bangladesh Marcia Bernicat visited the head office of Association for Community Development (ACD) today.

On her arrival at the office premises ACD President Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan and its executive director Salima Sarwar received her warmly.

Afterwards she held a view-sharing meeting with the ACD officials and staffs on the prevention of human trafficking and shelter homes activities.

Bernicat praised the ongoing anti-human trafficking activities and stressed the need for infusing dynamism into the preventive activities.

Begum Zia not to do so, says Ashraf

DHAKA, July 31, 2015 (BSS) - General Secretary of the ruling Awami League and Minister of Public Administration Syed Ashraful Islam said BNP chief Begum Khaleda Zia would not repeat the same mistake as she had not participated the last parliament election.

"All the political parties have an opportunity to participate in the election under the present constitution; the next election also to be held as per the constitution, so the BNP chairperson would not do the same mistake again ", said the minister.

Syed Ashraf said this replying to a query of a journalist following a programme of the Jubo League at city's Shilpakala Academy here today.

Replying to another question of BNP's stance on the caretaker government issue as the party chairperson has demanded to form an impartial government in any name, Ashraf said "I am not sure that BNP and its allies have moved away from the caretaker government issue."

With Jubo League Chairman Omar Faruque Chowdhury in the chair, the meeting was also addressed, among others, by Principal of the Eden College Hosne Ara, Jubo League general secretary Harunur Rashid and former Chhatra League president HM Badiuzzaman Sohag.

Australia 'increasingly confident debris from MH370': search chief

SYDNEY, July 31, 2015 (BSS/AFP) - Australian search authorities Friday said they were "increasingly confident" plane debris that washed up on a tiny Indian Ocean island is from missing flight MH370, with formal identification possible within 24 hours.

"We are increasingly confident that this debris is from MH370," Martin Dolan, chief commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, told AFP.

"We are still working with our French and Malaysian colleagues to analyse all the information, so we don't have certainty yet, but we hope that within the next little while we'll be able to get to that level of confidence. We're hoping within the next 24 hours."

Dhaka Test: Rain washes out day 2 play

DHAKA, July 31, 2015 (BSS) - Incessant rain from early morning compelled the match officials to call off the second day's play without a bowl of the 2nd and final Test between Bangladesh and visiting South Africa at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium at Mirpur.

Earlier, heavy overnight and morning rain forced to delay start of second day's play.

Bangladesh was at 246 for 8 in 88.1 overs with Nasir Hossain was unbeaten on 13 at the crease.

Several Bangladeshi batsmen got a good starts but failed to convert those into a big knock. On the other hand Mushfiqur Rahim became the first skipper for his side to score a fifty against South Africa in Test matches.

Pacer Dale Steyn became the 13th bowler to take 400 Test wickets.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Drugs & hooker video forces House of Lords dep. speaker to resign

Screenshot from
Scotland Yard has been called in to investigate the deputy speaker of the House of Lords after a video emerged of him allegedly snorting cocaine with prostitutes.
Lord Sewel resigned from his £84,500 per year post after the video was leaked to the Sun newspaper and published in an expose on Sunday.
The Prime Minister backed his decision to resign amid "very serious allegations".
"I think it's right he has stood down from his committee posts and I'm sure further questions will be asked about whether it is appropriate to have someone legislating and acting in the House of Lords if they have genuinely behaved in this way" Cameron said.
"It's still going to take some time I suspect to get to the full truth.‎"
Sewel, 69, is facing calls to quit parliament altogether, and he could become the first peer to be expelled under new rules he was instrumental in implementing.
Police proceeded to search Sewel’s flat, entering the property with sniffer dogs and exiting with bags of evidence, according to media reports.
So far no arrests have been made, police said.
“A warrant under Section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 was today granted at Westminster Magistrates’ Court,” Scotland Yard said in a statement. “The warrant was executed at 6 pm at an address in central London by officers from the Special Enquiry Team of the Homicide and Major Crime Command.”
The footage show’s Sewel naked with two women at his apartment in Dolphin Square, a luxury residence close to parliament. Flats in the block, which are popular among MPs and Lords, are also being investigated as part of the inquiry into alleged historic child sex abuse.

The video shows the Lord snorting white powder, which the paper alleges to be cocaine, from between the breasts of a prostitute using a five pound note, which a different shot shows Sewel wearing a bra and leather jacket while smoking a cigarette.

He is further believed to have paid one of the women £200 for the night.
Lord Speaker Baroness D'Souza said: “Today’s revelations about the behavior of Lord Sewel are both shocking and unacceptable. Lord Sewel has this morning resigned as chairman of committees.

“The House of Lords will continue to uphold standards in public life and will not tolerate departure from these standards.

“These serious allegations will be referred to the House of Lords Commissioner for Standards and the Metropolitan Police for investigation as a matter of urgency,” her statement read.

Sewel could be expelled under the House of Lords Suspension and Expulsion Act 2015, which was given Royal Assent in March. The Act states peers may be barred if they do not stick to a strict code of conduct, and that they must “always act on their personal honor.”

The Lords Privileges and Conduct Committee, which Lord Sewel chaired before the video emerged, will decide on a punishment after the Lords Commissioner for Standards Paul Kernaghan has gathered evidence.

Police sources noted that drug allegations were difficult to investigate with only video evidence rather than physical substances.

Labour MP John Mann said Sewel should resign from the Lords before he is forced to go.

He chaired the committee that makes the decisions on discipline. It was his committee,” the MP for Bassetlaw said.

He cannot possibly go in front of his own committee and expect a serious hearing.

“He is a disgrace. He should retire and resign immediately.

“A lifetime ban would be the committee’s only option. He needs to save them and himself further embarrassment and go now.”

Monday 13 July 2015

Sonakshi Sinha's dubsmash video for ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan` fans!

Here's another treat for Salman Khan's fans who cannot wait for `Bajrangi Bhaijaan` (BB) to hit the theatres.
On special request, Sonakshi Sinha who has worked with Salman in `Dabangg` series, shared a dubsmash video of a dialogue from `BB`.
And may we say, she has lip-synced it perfectly. Salman and Sona have earlier created a buzz on Internet with their crazy dubsmash videos.

Patricia Arquette doesn't feel old

Actress Patricia Arquette says she still feels like she's 23 and only realises she is "middle-aged" when she looks in the mirror.
"I still feel 23 energetically and I also feel like my whole life's ahead of me. But when I look at myself, I see, 'Oh! You're actually middle-aged. Wow'," the 47-year-old star told Vogue magazine, reports
While Arquette tries to keep her looks natural, she insists she "reserves the right" to do anything she wants with her face and believes she shouldn't be judged on doing so.
She said: "I don't want to do anything with my face but I also reserve the right to do that if I chose to, you know? And without apologies to a million strangers, because even having a conversation about, 'You don't look natural, you did something weird to your face,' we are making it about the way women look. It's none of our f**king business what they look like."

Living the dream: Suborna Mustafa

Long term fans of the famous actress Suborna Mustafa already know that she has always been a long time cricket buff.
The famous actress never really did have a chance to indulge in this deep passion of hers until quite recently when she started commentating on the sport on Radio Bhumi.
So to those who thought you heard a familiar voice on the radio were absolutely spot on as its none other than Suborna Mustafa.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher marry secretly?

Hollywood star couple Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have reportedly tied the knot. The couple are said to have tied the knot last week, but neither the pair nor their representatives have confirmed the news, reports
Kutcher and Kunis sparked wedding rumours in January after Kutcher, 37, posted a cryptic image on Facebook with the words: "Happy New Year Love The Kutchers" written on the sand. Later in March, Kunis, 31, was asked about her relationship status with Kutcher in an interview with James Corden of “The Late Late Show”. "Are you married? Did you get married? Have you gotten married," the late-night show host asked.
"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe," Kunis replied, leaving fans wondering if she and Kutcher was actually a married couple. The duo first met on the set of FOX's sitcom "That '70s Show" which ran from 1998 to 2006. However, their romance started blossoming only in 2012. In February 2014, they got engaged and later in October, they welcomed their daughter Wyatt Isabelle.

I rarely give my best in films: Amanda Seyfried

Actress Amanda Seyfried has revealed she "rarely" gives her best in movies and finds working on stage much harder.
The 29-year-old "Mean Girls" star, who is currently starring in off-Broadway show "The Way We Get By", said she works harder on stage as it is difficult to hide "laziness" in theatre, reported Marie Claire magazine.
"You can hide laziness in film, you can't hide on stage. You don't want to do that to people who have spent USD 100-400 on a ticket.
You want to tell the story. I don't want to give anything but my best, and in films I rarely give my best," Seyfried said. The "Dear John" actress said working in theatre is "tough" and requires a lot of sacrifices.

GRAPE VINE Chris Evans, Elizabeth Olsen are dating

Actor Chris Evans has been quietly dating Elizabeth Olsen for a few months while filming "Captain America: Civil War". The co-stars have been dating for months, reported Ace Showbiz.
"Chris and Lizzie are definitely involved in some kind of ultra-secret romance that's being kept under wraps while they shoot," a source said. "The attraction between them has been there from day one." The 34-year-old "Captain America: The First Avenger" actor allegedly wants his personal life to be very private.
"Chris is paranoid about his womanising becoming public while he's on this multi-picture deal with Marvel. He's protecting his image, and will bend over backwards to keep things quiet," the source added. Back in March, Evans was rumoured to be dating Lily Collins.
They reportedly hooked up after meeting at the star-studded Oscars after-party hosted by Vanity Fair in February. Olsen, 26, ended her engagement to Boyd Holbrook in January after two years together.

GRAPE VINE Police to lodge FIR against star cast of 'Mohalla Assi'

A local court in Muzaffarpur has asked the police to lodge an FIR against the star cast of the movie ' Mohalla Assi'.
The court has asked the Mohammadpur Police to lodge an FIR against film actors Sunny Deol, Ravi Kishan, Sakshi Tanwar and six others for allegedly abusing Hindu gods in their film.
The movie, which has not been released at the cinema houses following the orders of a Delhi Court, has scenes where in Lord Shiva, goddesses and pandas of Kashi are being called by names.
The film is a satire on the commercialisation of the pilgrimage city of Varanasi and the fake gurus who lure the foreign tourists.


Director: Shah Alom Mondol
Cast: Jayed Khan, Anisur Rahman Milon, Porimoni
Strength: Acting
Weakness: Story, Dialogue.
Rating: 1.5/5
Plot: The story of a love triangle and the events that shape their lives for the future.

Review: Jayed Khan (Raj) and Porimoni (Shimana) were in love with each other since childhood. Also living in the same community is Anisur Rahman Milon, whose father moved into Porimoni's area because of his job. Both families maintained a good rapport and in order to strengthen the bond, they arranged to have Milon marry Porimoni. Jayed Khan loves to travel with friends more than he likes studying. When Milon becomes a police officer, he frames Jayed with a false Yaba case and has him arrested. With Jayed out of the way, he weds Porimoni as per his family's wishes. Jayed Khan and his family begin to suspect that his arrest might have been orchestrated by Milon as a form of revenge. Meanwhile, it's revealed that Miju Ahmed's son also likes Porimoni. While Jayed was taken to court,he managed to escape from the police convoy and Milonis also framed by another officer. While all this was happening, Miju Ahmed's son kidnaps Porimoni but Jayed manages to rescue her in time. Milon manages to regain his post after being proven innocent. In the end, Jayed Khan is killed by the villains in the movie. After this sad turn of events, Milon and Porimoni manage to start their new life together in happiness.
The biggest weakness with this film is the story. Viewers will be quite frustrated with the way the story was portrayed as the ending is quite obvious from the very beginning, taking away the suspense from the movie instantly. This movie also marks Porimoni's debut into the film industry and it's easy to see that she will go far as she was the main attraction for audiences throughout the film. Anisur Rahman Milon also delivers a strong performance here, but Jayed Khan's acting skills need further improvement. This film is watchable if only to see the debut actress makes her intro into the cinema industry but don't expect a mind blowing story here.

By Showbiz Desk


Director: Remo
Writers: Mayur Puri, Remo
Cast: Lauren Gottlieb, Shraddha Kapoor, Varun Dhawan
Strength: Dance Sequences, Acting  
Weakness: Story
Runtime: 154 minutes
Rating: 3/5

Plot: The story traces the journey of an Indian dance troupe, who come from the backstreets of a Mumbai suburb; their rise to fame, sudden downfall and then their heroic attempt to seek vindication by regaining their lost glory and pride.
Review: Song and dance is, needless to say, a Bollywood staple, but pure dance films are rare. Rarer still is a 3D dance film. But whatever novelty ABCD 2 delivers is only skin deep. The story it tells is as hackneyed as they come: the young protagonists, led by an inspirational dance guru (Prabhu Deva) who has a back story of his own, travel from the dark, dank school of hard knocks to the bright lights and distracting inducements of Las Vegas to bask in global glory.
All through this two-and-a-half-hour sequel to the 2013 3D hit, ABCD - Any Body Can Dance, the dance steps are dazzlingly dramatic. But that is the very least you would expect from a film helmed by a choreographer and featuring Prabhu Deva in a pivotal role.
While it might get a little cringe-worthy, it's still enjoyable in some parts. With a cast crammed with energetic guys who need no provocation to set the dance floor on fire, ABCD 2 delivers passages of stunning musical calisthenics.
Varun Dhawan is no mug at this game and he holds his own alongside the likes of Sushant Pujari, Dharmesh Yelande, Raghav Juyal, Punit Pathak and Lauren Gottlieb. The only non-dancer in the principal cast is Shraddha Kapoor, but she too melds perfectly into this cheerfully breathless world where everybody is a master twirler.
This movie is a must-watch for dance lovers. For general movie watchers, this might not be an enjoyable flick.

Reviewed By Intisab Shahriyar


Director: Shafi Uddin Shafi
Story: Saikat Nasir
Cast: Mahiya Mahi, Shipan Mitra, Ahmed Sharif, Danny Sidak
Strength: Story
Weakness: Action sequences, Acting, Special Effects
Rating: 2/5
Plot: The story centers on the character Big Brother, a female gang enforcer, who tries to change her ways after some personal experiences.
Review: The movie starts with underworld king Golden Gulzar (Ahmed Sharif) being arrested by the police because of a false case made against him by DJ, leader of his rival gang.
This is when Golden Gulzar's child, Big Brother (Mahiya Mahi) comes into action by saving his men. But normal operations for Golden Gulzar's men become difficult because of police involvement. Golden Gulzar, in order to avoid police attention, appoints one of his trustworthy members from out of town to carry out his extortions. This doesn't go well as DJ kills this man and throws him at the train tracks.
While all this is going on, Rana (Shipan Mitra) sees Big Brother, whose name is revealed to be Kajol, in action and falls in love with her. He proposes his feelings to her only to be rejected and slapped to make an example. Not taking the rejections well, he heads for the tracks to commit suicide. While there, he hears a phone ring and discovers that the phone is beside a dead body. When he picked up the phone, he was asked to pick up the extortion money. After collecting the money, he got several more calls, all of which involved money pickup. With all this money, he starts a charity for young unemployed people. Later in the film, it's shown that Kajol is not Gulzar's biological child. She originally came with her sister from Dhaka, but her sister got kidnapped by some thugs. That's when Gulzar discovered her and adopted her. When she finds her sister, she is asked by her sister to leave her current life and get married, as a last request as her sister will soon die as a result of cancer. Taking her advice, she decides to get married to Rana.
This movie is almost a typical Bangla Cinema. The premise of the movie is ok. The director also made some good calls in terms of location choosing for songs. However, some subpar performances such as Shipan Mitra's bad acting do let the movie down a bit. In all honesty, this movie's main attraction is Mahiya Mahi and not much else.

Reviewed by Abdullah Al Amin (Rubel)

Tax evasion irks Muhith

Top VAT-paying firms honoured
Start Business Report
Only 60,000 firms pay VAT regularly out of nearly 700,000 companies that signed up to pay the tax -- a number that disappoints Finance Minister AMA Muhith.
"Do we have only 60,000 firms eligible to pay VAT? I don't think so," Muhith said at a programme to honour top VAT-paying firms yesterday.
The number of firms that should pay value-added tax should be 3-6 lakh, he said.
"We have such misfortunes in almost all areas," he said, adding that only 11 lakh people pay tax out of the country's 15 crore population.
"This is the biggest challenge for widening the tax net." Muhith told the programme where nine firms at the national level and 23 from Dhaka division were given crests and certificates.
The National Board of Revenue organised the event at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre as part of the VAT Week that began on Friday.
The revenue authority has been observing the VAT Week since 2011 to create awareness.
VAT, the second biggest source of revenue for the government after income tax, accounted for 36 percent of the total revenue of Tk 136,266 crore last fiscal year, according to provisional data.
The revenue authority aims to collect Tk 64,263 crore in VAT in the current fiscal year, a rise by 32 percent year-on-year.
Muhith said, "VAT is a good kind of tax for businesses if they maintain accounts properly."
Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on the finance ministry, also expressed dissatisfaction over poor tax collection.
"We have such a culture in our country that none wants to pay tax," said Razzaque, also a former food minister.
"I had a colleague in parliament who, until 2009, did not know what TIN [taxpayer identification number] was."
He said there are many people in Dhaka who own more than half a dozen of flats but their incomes are not reflected in tax returns. Many doctors, engineers and professionals do not pay tax properly, he added.
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed asked NBR officials not to harass taxpayers.
Abdul Matlub Ahmad, president of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry, urged the government to revise the new VAT law by incorporating the recommendations placed by a review committee earlier.
Moshiur Rahman, the prime minister's economic affairs adviser, also spoke.

Funds raised through rights issue double

Funds raised by listed companies from rights shares more than doubled in fiscal 2014-15 from a year earlier.
Five listed firms netted around Tk 1,446 crore from 60.20 crore rights shares, with state-run Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) accounting for three-fourths of the fund, according to data from Dhaka Stock Exchange.
Of the firms, four were from the financial sector and one from textile.
In fiscal 2013-14, six listed companies raised Tk 681.38 crore, according to DSE statistics.
A rights issue is an issue of additional shares by a listed company to raise capital from existing shareholders.
With a rights issue, existing shareholders get the privilege to buy a specified number of new shares from the firm at a particular price within a specified time.
A rights issue is not the same as an initial public offering, where shares are offered to the general public through a stock exchange.
Of the funds, ICB raised Tk 1,054.68 crore by issuing 21.09 crore ordinary shares of Tk 10 each, in addition of Tk 40 as premium.
The purpose of issuing the rights shares was to raise its paid-up capital for investment in primary and secondary markets and to pay off loans, according to the prospectus of the state-run investment bank.
Four other listed companies issued the rights shares at par or face value.
The financial sector companies issued rights shares either to reach their capital adequacy ratio or to strengthen their capital base in line with regulatory requirements, said Md Moniruzzaman, managing director of IDLC Investments, a merchant bank.
Companies from other sectors were not interested in raising funds by issuing rights shares as the regulator was conservative in allowing listed companies with premium, he said.
Conservative pricing is good for existing shareholders but not attractive to the company, Moniruzzaman added.
The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission imposed some conditions on rights issue rules in October last year to make the capital raising mechanism more transparent.
No listed company can offer rights shares within two years of publication of an IPO prospectus, or before full utilisation of the funds raised through an IPO or repeat public offering or previous rights, according to the modifications.

IMF loan scheme ushers in an era of reforms

The lender's three-year ECF loan ends on a positive note
The International Monetary Fund's Extended Credit Facility loan, which ushered in some major reforms in the economic field, is nearing the end of its three-year term this month.
Still, two more instalments amounting about $280 million remain to be dispatched and IMF officials are likely to place the relevant report before the board on July 22.
The multilateral lender deferred the sixth of the seven-part instalments for the $1 billion loan in November last year after the government failed to meet two of its pertinent conditions -- both related to the VAT law.
At that time, the IMF said it would release the final two instalments together, provided the conditions were met.
A finance ministry official said the two conditions have somewhat been fulfilled and the government is hopeful that the IMF board will now approve the last two instalments.
One of the conditions was that the amended VAT law has to be approved in the cabinet meeting, and the cabinet on June 29 gave it the green light.
Another condition was that the government would assign a vendor to implement the tax automation system.
An official of the National Board of Revenue said a proposal was sent to the cabinet committee but due to objections from some members of the purchase committee a fresh tender was floated.
The new tender is now being evaluated by the technical committee and will soon be placed before the cabinet committee on purchase.
Approved in April 2012, the ECF programme has enforced a number of major reforms in the economic sector.
One of them was the amendment to the Banking Company Act to heighten the power of the central bank.
For instance, the central bank governor now has the authority to remove managing directors of state-owned banks.
The amendment also put a ceiling on investment by banks in the stockmarket, a major cause for the crash in 2011.
As per IMF's advice, the government also brought about stockmarket demutualisation, a process that separates the bourses' ownership from their management.
To deter the government from taking on too much of high-cost external borrowing, the IMF set a ceiling for it.
And to increase the government's revenue earning potential, the IMF was insistent on implementing the VAT law, due to take effect from July next year.
Under the law, a 15 percent VAT will be imposed at any stage.
Businesses with annual turnover of up to Tk 30 lakh are likely to be excused from paying VAT. Also, some new commodities, deemed to be basic needs, were included in the list of items enjoying VAT exemption.
Besides, many other small reforms were carried out, including bringing the state-owned banks under a strict regulation.
The IMF did a mid-term review in 2013 and found that the reforms increased foreign currency reserves, decreased non-food inflation, raised tax revenue and curbed poorly-targeted energy subsidies.
The country achieved GDP growth of above 6 percent during the period.
The finance ministry official said the IMF programme played a positive role in maintaining macroeconomic stability.
Several officials said, after the present programme is concluded, the government is likely to seek another round of ECF programme to help maintain economic stability in the coming years.

Small industries should get more incentives: economist

Star Business Report
The small and medium industries that serve the domestic market should get more incentives in the seventh five-year plan to meet the needs of the consumers whose incomes are rising by the day, an economist said yesterday.
“The government has been giving incentives to the export-oriented sectors for many years now. It's time to give incentives to the industries involved in producing goods for the domestic market,” said Mustafizur Rahman, executive director of the Centre for Policy Dialogue.
The government should also prioritise the industries linked to agriculture as those could be good segments for the domestic and external markets, Rahman said.
The potato chips industry, for example, has been growing fast, serving the domestic market and earning foreign currencies through exports, he said.
The government should incentivise the chips industry along with other such agro-industries, he said.
“I do not support wholesale liberalisation of the trade policies, as we have to protect our growing industries as well. Rather, the government should adopt strategic trade policies.”
A strategic trade policy means bringing changes to a policy to serve a specific sector without liberalising all the policies.
Rahman spoke at a consultation meeting of the seventh five-year plan (2016-2020) at the National Economic Council in Dhaka. Shamsul Alam, a member of the Planning Commission, moderated the discussion.
The commission has been seeking opinions from exporters, economists, government representatives and other stakeholders to prepare the plan.
Rahman also suggested taking appropriate policies for the growing export-oriented leather and leather goods, footwear and ICT sectors, which could generate numerous jobs and earn a lot of foreign currencies.
He also stressed the need for boosting regional connectivity through trade pacts to establish a strong value chain.
The US-led proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership among 12 Asian and Pacific nations will be a challenge for Bangladesh, as Vietnam—a major garment producer—is a member of the treaty, he said.
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said Bangladesh has limited scope to liberalise its trade policies as the country needs to safeguard its own industries.
Bangladesh has become sufficient in cold-rolled coil, paper and cement industries with the help of the protected trade policies, he said. Ahmed suggested giving incentives to the sectors, which add high value. “The services sector is very important for us.”
In the 1972-73 period, the contribution of agriculture to the GDP was 78 percent, which came down to 15 percent now, as the manufacturing and services sectors are contributing more to the national economy.
Mashiur Rahman, economic affairs adviser to the prime minister, suggested formulation of industrial policies in accordance with the World Trade Organisation.
He also suggested shifting the industries to the northern districts to make best use of the available lands.
In the plan, the Planning Commission cut the targeted contribution of agriculture to the GDP to 12.9 percent from 16.1 percent achieved in the sixth five-year plan in 2014.
For the industrial sector, the target has been set at 33 percent, up from 27.6 percent in the previous year while for manufacturing it increased to 21.5 percent from 17.4 percent.
The contribution of the services sector has been fixed at 54.1 percent from 56.3 percent in 2014, according to a document from the Planning Commission.